Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Water Is Safe To Drink?

Well it isn't tap water. This I can assure you.
Most of our water infrastructure was built over 100 years ago! That's why you hear of a water main break all the time. You're dealing with pipes that were built during the civil war era. Those old pipes corrode and leach toxic substances in the supply. Millions are spent trying to "improve" the system and Americans assume their water is safe to drink.
Unfortunately, this trust appears to have been misplaced, as various environmental studies has revealed tap water is inadequate at best and toxic at worst. There are literally hundreds of chemicals and carcinogens that can be found in tap water. There are over 30,000 different pesticides that can be leaked into the groundwater yet most water systems are only testing for approximately half a dozen of these chemicals. Traces of illegal and prescription drugs have also been found in tap water.
With the thousands of pharmaceuticals that are flushed into the sewer systems, leaking into our water sources, tap water has been shown to contain traces of anti depressants, hormones and many other unwanted chemicals. Chemicals that are used to treat water supplies such as fluoride and chlorine are toxic substances that can poison humans if taken in large enough quantities. Many of the chemicals found in drinking water are known to cause birth defects, cancer, nerve damage and even sterility.
So, what water is safe to drink? Is it bottled water?
No. Experts insist bottled water is no better than tap water. Plastic bottles leach toxic substances into the water such as BPA and phthalates. BPA mimics sex hormones in your body and has been effectively linked to early puberty, lowered sperm count, hardened arteries, breast cancer and behavioral problems. Phthalates interfere with the endocrine system and has been linked to liver cancer, ADHD, autism and much more.
The bottled water market generates billions in profit every year, which is why marketers are happy for people to believe it is a healthier alternative to tap water. A recent study of independent experts found bottled water to contain contaminants such as carcinogenic compounds, arsenic and bacteria. The group also discovered that as much as 40% of bottled water in America comes from the exact same water system that supplies a person's tap.
Also messing up the water supply that most people don't realize is fluoride.
For years, people have believed that fluoride brings about health benefits, but medical research shows this to be untrue. Many places in North America use fluoride in their drinking water, but much of the population is unaware of the potential problems that this can create. As of late, many counties in the U.S. are now starting to come to their senses and are urging local lawmakers to ban the use of fluoride. Europe banned fluoride from their water supply decades ago so why are we still using it?
Studies have shown that fluoride can damage the human brain in a similar fashion to dementia. It can also affect thyroid gland function, which can lead to weight gain and depression. Do not give fluoridated water to babies!
So, what water is safe to drink?
Preferably you should drink fresh groundwater. But most people don't have that option. Experts encourage people to drink filtered tap water. This can be done cheaply and easily by attaching a filter to the faucet. Other ways like reverse osmosis and whole house filters work better but are expensive. With a faucet filter you can effectively get rid of the major toxic substances
N. Curtis has written dozens of health articles and is the author of the Amazingly Informative and Extremely Entertaining Free Special Health Report "It's Your Body, You Can Die If You Want To!" Check it out now at

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