Friday, January 13, 2012

Smart phone apps will one day replace the family doctor

One thing that we most often speak in our think tank is human health, and because we are naturally focused on the solution of problems our members spend to discuss much time of our nation's health care system. Did you know that 77% of Americans believe that the United States one is the best medical care in the world has, it is true, and the data most recently in Bloomberg magazine year end review - published one of the main reasons why US citizens simply believe this because; It's true!
Did you know that Google tracks Anonomized data for specific searches such as flu symptoms and is able, the CDC with valuable data, such as the help quickly and in what regions the flu spread? To think about the importance of these medicinal products in the right place in the right amount on time or JIT?
Okay, today I had a thought, an add-on to an earlier project we have help on the use of smart-phones, users diet track and support healthy to stay, but before I, let me tell my idea you somewhat recently in the media, because I would like to, this additional step take new research, if I could.
There was an interesting article on Kurzweil "Acceleration of intelligence" online newsletter on 9th January 2011 titled; "A ultra high res 100 nm microscope on your cell phone?" which was posted by the editor. The article explains;
"Researchers at the Michigan Tech have a big step towards the creation of a Superlens who could use visible light out, to objects you find under as small as 100 nanometers over taken." The secret lies in Metamaterials, Plasmon, special nanostructures with supercharged vibrations near the surface of the thin metal layers called. When stimulated with an electromagnetic field, they collect light from an object and break them in a way which is not in the nature, called negative refraction seen. This allows the lens overcomes the diffraction limit. "
But it turns out that now that they can handle this diffraction limit. Okay so, rather than start the light science in here, as I will not to bore you any of you non-science of techie, we switch to the incredible applications this could create in the future, part of the "killer applications" that will inevitably change the nature, as we live, and improve our lives.
Imagine recording high-quality let us say your narrow or mucous membranes with your Smartphone. Upload it would then be the image in the cloud data center that would use optical detection, virus or flu always was the best of you to determine which bacteria? In other words, it would find out, what viruses or cold you have, then buy the medicine online from your phone, and a doctor could agree to it based on the data immediately.
Imagine that?
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on future concepts in life. Lance Winslow is a former founder of a national franchise stores, and now runs online think tank; http://www.worldthinktank.NET/

View the original article here

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