Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yeast Infections and Thrush In Men

Whether it's nappy rash, oral thrush or a sweaty rash in a skin fold, almost three quarters of the population will suffer with some form of yeast infection at some point in their lives. If it's the genital variety, most men will probably blame their female partner but the truth is that his own poor hygiene could be to blame and he is actually giving it to her.
Symptoms of Thrush In Men
There are several symptoms of thrush or yeast infection in men:
balanitis - where the male member becomes sore and red (from the Greek meaning inflammation of the acorn);
cuts on the foreskin - a regular problem which occurs in this delicate tissue if saliva or sperm is left around the penile head or trapped under the foreskin after either masturbation or intercourse. These substances contain enzymes which can cause a reaction in the elastic structure of that sensitive skin making it tighten which, in turn can encourage tearing if it is stretched back over the Glans with less than proper care.
genital or regular psoriasis - these patches of angry inflamed skin can occur anywhere on the body.
bad breath and a filmy white coating on the inside of the mouth.
a sweat rash in a fold of skin in the groin, arm pit or between folds of flesh in the overweight.
Whilst these are often treated individually, they can actually be part of a much larger problem.
Many people carry yeast in and on their bodies without even knowing. It is a natural organism, known as candida albicans, and is normally found in the digestive tract, vagina, mouth, skin and bloodstream. Its very short lifespan can be measured in hours or, at most, days and, providing you do not keep feeding it with the sugary substances it loves, the body's natural eco-system keeps its numbers under control.
Causes of Thrush In Men
A form of symbient, its major function is to act as a third line of defence to keep the body's blood sugar levels down to avoid diabetes, blindness or death. Whilst the body usually achieves this through stimulating the production of insulin in the pancreas and androgens from the adrenal glands, the failure of these defences triggers the proliferation of the Candida population to soak up any excess glucose.
Long term proliferation is only possible when sugary food is regularly available, as can occur when blood sugar levels are always raised due to insulin resistance - usually because too much fat has been consumed.
For some people, the yeast can proliferate and leech into the bloodstream infesting other parts of the body and releasing toxins which, in addition to the usual symptoms of thrush, can also be responsible for causing cystitis, sinus problems, constipation, diarrhea, restless sleep, bloating, lack of energy, mood swings, cravings for sweet food, food allergies and many more.
Many health professionals persist in handing out prescriptions that treat only the symptoms and this can result in a return of the infections in ever more virulent forms that become resistant to even the strongest drugs.
Repeated doses of antibiotics are a well-known trigger, along with a diet that contains large quantities of yeast, fungus, sugar and refined, processed produce. The physiological effects of stress also make a large contribution towards providing an environment which encourages candida overgrowth.
If you search the internet, you will discover all sorts of natural 'cures' for thrush in men, but so many of these serve only to replicate the problems with the pharmaceutical method in that they treat the symptoms of thrush in men, not the root cause.
At the end of the day, you need to make a lifestyle choice and properly address the issues behind your susceptibility to a yeast infection.
Thrush in men can be controlled if you take responsibility for your health and start investigating the causes to identify what makes things worse for you personally.
Discover the best natural treatments for thrush in men and the causes of thrush

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