Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cholesterol supplements: what works, what is not

fiberIf you are looking for a natural way to lower your cholesterol - watch what we eat and exercise - there are many dietary supplements on the market that claim to be the case. Each year seems to bring a new action - garlic, ginseng, or red rice yeast, for example - that users like the best thing for cholesterol under control.
But just because your Uncle Jack, says a supplement miracles worked his cholesterol does not mean that it will work for you. In fact, its success may be due to a placebo effect or a redesign of diet, he failed to mention.
Although not always perfect scientific studies are the best way to determine if nonprescription remedies really work. Below, we break down what the research - and doesn't - say about benefits most popular alternative remedies to lower cholesterol.
To see what these supplements look like, view this slideshow.
Artichoke leaf extract
What it is: the leaf of artichoke dry extract is also known under the name of Cynara scolymus.
Evidence: in 2000, German researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled using almost 150 adults with total cholesterol, more than 280 - until the American Heart Association (AHA) considers the territory "high risk". The participants who took a supplement of artichoke six weeks saw their levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol, 23%, on average, against only 6% in the placebo group.
These promising figures are, but they have not been replicated. A more recent test, three months of similar design revealed that total cholesterol dropped by an average of 4% in participants taking Artichoke leaf extract, but researchers have not found no measurable impact on LDL or high density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as the good cholesterol. They suggested that the differences in the health of the participants and the power of supplements - in the second study patients received a dose of approximately 30% smaller - could explain the difference between the results of two studies.
The bottom line: it there has had very few quality studies on leaves of artichoke extract, and the mixed results suggest that evidence more is necessary to confirm its effect on cholesterol. Don't expect your LDL down if you take supplements of artichoke.
What it is: fenugreek is a seed (often on the ground powder) which has been used since the days of the old Egypt and is available in capsule form.
Evidence: several studies since the 1990s have reported that, in high doses, various preparations of fenugreek seed can lower total cholesterol and LDL, in some cases considerably. (Une study registered a decline of 38 LDL. Almost without exception, however, the studies were small and of poor quality, which casts doubt on the validity of the results.
Fenugreek contains a significant amount of dietary fiber (anywhere from 20% to 50%, analyses have shown), and some experts believe that the effect of cholesterol alleged fenugreek in fact can be attributed in large part to its fibre content.
The bottom line: despite studies frequently cited as evidence of the ability of fenugreek to lower cholesterol, there is not enough evidence to support its use.
What it is: Soluble Fibre is a type of dietary fibre found in oats, barley, bran, peas and citrus, as well as in food supplements. (Even if it's good for the heart by other means, the insoluble fibres do not affect cholesterol in the blood.)
Evidence: in 1999, a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School conducted a meta-analysis of close to 70 clinical trials that examined the effects of the soluble fibres on cholesterol levels. High in soluble fibre intake was associated with reductions in LDL and total cholesterol of 60 to 70% of the studies they examined. For each gram of soluble fiber the participants of different studies added to their daily diet, their LDL levels fell by about 2 points. (The average time was seven weeks).
The amount of fibre, you need to eat significantly lower your LDL is a little difficult to handle. Most people eat much less that 25 grams of fibre recommended at least by most organizations of health - and that approximately 20% of your fibre consumption total is likely to be soluble. (Three bowls of porridge to eat a day gives approximately 3 grams of soluble fiber, according to the Harvard researchers). Taking fibre supplements daily can help, but they can cause gastrointestinal side effects if taken regularly, and may interfere with certain prescription drugs.
The bottom line: a diet high in soluble fibre can reduce your LDL. However, the effect is likely to be relatively modest, and loading on the soluble fibres may be impractical.

View the original article here

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