Lifestyles are usually based on some parameters. These parameters include geographical habitats, food, clothing, accommodation, religion, culture and other social factors such as social rituals, feeling of being alive, and so on.
Way of life differ from one country to another on the basis of geographical factors. For example, in Spain there is a tradition siesta or NAP in an afternoon just after lunch. But in the country of us there is no such tradition. This is due to the fact that Spain a warm, Mediterranean type climate in contrast to the United States experience. This kind of afternoon sleep is common in other countries, which experience a hot climate.
Alcohol consumption or smoking to a party is part of daily life in many countries around the world. But in India, yet some still conservative families alcohol consumption or smoking a taboo and the family, which members you would frown if they get to know that you are a smoker or an occasional drinkers.
In modern usage, the term lifestyle has widely became the name of expenditure or purchasing power of consumers. Manufacturers are flooding the market with various finished products and advertisers flood the various media with product or service related messages in the hope that consumers will surely bite and such products or services purchase start to improve their lifestyle.
Improvement of lifestyle, is want exactly what the want consumers, or rather make the advertisers you. If you wash clothes with your bare hands for so long then on any case the washing machine, if you in a hurry, to cook food, then for you, if you already have a car then you would need microwave a better buy you have then why not plasma you TV? Why spend any bomb on brand clothing, accessories and shoes to be more presentable? Can you all you see around, how to upgrade your lifestyle.
Eventually improve the lifestyle you make a confident person indeed. It will help, to improve your personality and you a crowd away. Their lifestyle define who you are.
If you want to know more about lifestyle, please visit
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