Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lose Weight Quickly Without Exercise: A Reality?

If you are one of those people who completely dread exercise then you should read this article on how to lose weight quickly without exercise. In as much as exercise plays an important role in weight loss, it may not be the ultimate key to weight loss and you may have a few more options that would help you shed some pounds. Let us see just how this can be made possible.
Speeding the metabolism
The very first way through which you can do this is by drinking the recommended amount of water per day. What this does is that it speeds up the metabolic system making it easy for the system to get rid of the excess fats as well as the waste materials. Experts say that this should not just be any water but particularly cold water. It has the unique ability of stoking the body's ability to burn fat due to thermo genesis. So try taking water every 20 minutes and you will be 'tricking' the body to keep burning that excess fat and in a short period you will notice some drop in weight.
Change your diet
By changing the diet, I do not mean switching on to just any kind of diet. First you need to know if you consume the right amount of calories in a day. Ensure that you limit your calorie intake since taking more of these will result in tremendous weight gain. Avoid chips, fries and meat as they are high in calories. Also avoid taking sweet tasting drinks as they are packed with lost of sugar not good for a person aspiring to lose weight.
Eating small frequent meals
As you all know, most of us are traditionally trained to eat three meals in a day, in the morning, lunch and in the evening. This is an eating routine typical in most societies which experts have warned that they prevent many people from losing weight. This is because when we do so, our body is not burning any fats or calories, but carefully saving them for future consumption. Quite typical of the body, simply because it's designed to survive. You therefore need to play another trick on it in order to change this. By eating less food and more frequently, of about six meals, you are helping your body to keep burning fats and not preserve them for future consumption. That way, you lose some pounds in the process.
Healthy oils
The reason we keep adding weight unnecessarily is because we consume very unhealthy oils and keep off healthy oils. Fish oil, coconut oil and olive oils are just some of the oils that may help you lose weight quickly. They will boost your metabolic system and keep the fats burning.
There are a lot of other ways that you can use to lose weight in the absence of exercise which I am deliberately avoiding. Surgery and diet pills are just some of them. This is because they are fast but not quite healthy. I would recommend you first try these ones before opting for the more risky measures. But in deed, it's possible to lose weight quickly without exercise.
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