Friday, January 13, 2012

The Power of Color in the Healing Process

Through scientific evidence gathered from clinical studies, there is now proof that shows that healing is accelerated when a person is exposed to vibrant color. Anything containing color can be utilized as a focal point in the healing process. Examples of focal points: Paintings, flowers, a painted wall, rooms with a spectacular view, or even sunlight which holds all the spectrums of color. The findings have proven that patients recovery time was not only expedited due to being exposed to a colorful vibrant environment but also studies have shown that less painkillers were needed by those patients as compared to others who were placed in bland dull non colorful surroundings.
For centuries we have known the sun's rays have healing power, and as the rays pass through the spectrum gift us with the colors of healing. Instinctively as humans when we are ill, depressed, not at ease or feel unbalanced, seek out the rays of the sun. Even if its only for a few moments that we sit with our face towards the sky taking in the rays, we immediately feel energized. We have soaked in the colors from the sun and have balanced our bodies.
Color has become important in the health care sector. More and more facilities are providing environments filled with color to create a sense of pleasing and relaxing spaces which help to reduce stress.
Dependent upon the environment one is in or the type of illness one has, is the determining factor of what color is best to use for color therapy. For instance if you have cancer red would be a good color to use as a focal point on a wall. Red is an energy color. It provides vitality and power. It's the color one would should choose to help eradicate cancer. Red is not a color you would want to use however, if you had high blood pressure, anxiety, or have excitability as red can cause agitation or aggression in persons with mental impairments.
When working with color therapy, asking your patient or client what color they are more drawn to when they are imagining a color will give you a glimpse of where the imbalance is within their body. This especially works great with children as they are more receptive to visualization. The color the patient chooses, if you look up its properties, will give you an idea as to what area is not in balance or needs healed. The specific color will be the color needed to bring their body back into balance.
Color used in many forms helps in the healing process of not only acute disease but also well-being in general. It can also be used to manipulate or stimulate the senses.
Feeling a little down in the dumps? Are you feeling trapped in a black and white world and wondering what it would take to color your world? Give color therapy a try today. Is there a color you are more drawn to than another? Google the meaning, use the color as a focal point, and see how you respond to the color.
What would it take to color your world? To explore the meaning of colors, their healing properties, and discover for free how to utilize color as a healing tool, visit my blog and join my RSS Feed.
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