Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are you still crunches do? If so, you must read this!

Every day I people on the gym floor see do crunches and Sit-Ups with a weighted medicine ball and even a failed Bank for larger back stress! People still believe, that 200 crunches they lose fat around their abdominal area leads to a visible six pack. I'm afraid that this is not the case and never will be, as we all know, that spot reduction of fat not possible with exercise.

This article is designed to help people realize that some exercises have together with many old-style body building techniques shoulder presses and lat pull downs such as neck will forget 20 years ago, such as such as behind the neck. Now, if you are still these forms of exercises then now is the time to stop and time forward and neck save all rotator cuff secures injuries and disappointing set in your training program.

In this article I'll explain the newest, safest and most effective way to achieve six pack abs in the shortest safest way possible.

First isolated stop crunches, Sit-Ups or abdominal weighted resistance machines do. These exercises are problems for your back, if not now, but in the near future create. Their abdominal muscles and spine should be withdrawn several times further from the ground position. Just like our body is not designed to sit or drive for eight hours a day and if we do, are we cause postural problems.

We should in fact use our abdominal muscles in a permanent position. Our is m. rectus belly to keep our spine in a high upright stance and play an important role in spinal stability.

Besides why must we crunch 200 times from the ground? I do not know, do you? Why do we need such endurance and muscular strength in this area? To add more stress why to your back, neck and spine, while crunches do? I back the bed and then role. There is no need for excessive abdominal strength and endurance, not, if I 200 times a day to do so.

Their abdominal muscles working alone with other important core muscles in synergy with your lower back muscles "Erector spinal column" as "internal and external oblique and your across a strong middle section and injuries create belly free back." To be honest, I rarely see people in the gym with a focus on core and abdominal strength in the right way. This is not their fault most of the time, it's easy, what we have shown for so many years and just follow people, what they see and think is correct.

If my clients make teaching we rarely crunches. Is the focus on the middle section and spine in just one to strengthen balanced upright position.

If you have additional body fat around your waist, then this is the main reason that you can see your ABS. Keep you do Sit-Ups and crunches and your Hüftbeuger belly to tighten up and shorten and want to pull your spine and the curve forward. This will give you with a worse still look plump body. I see this on a regular basis with people bad attitude, which created a bad back and a poor image of itself.

Conclusion many crunches to get the definition one is stomach like trying to melt an iceberg with a hairdryer...You are extremely inefficient and a waste of your time. However, I don't see anyone trying to lose weight and reduce each of variant of their stomach of crunches to do in the gym.

I believe the reason for this is likely because they believe that if they directly work the muscles, the streamlining must then receive the desired result it. However nothing further could be away from the truth.

You need to focus on body fat away to see your abdomen. Some people are blessed and very happy with the right genetics and parents. Many people do not have and need hard work to maintain a low body fat percentage. A very common term is "A six pack is created in the kitchen in the gym" is a very true expression. This means basically very healthy with the right fats, carbohydrates and proteins eat each day.

Advanced Push-Ups is a better option a correct posture for your ABS, as long as you and tight ABS keep above all on a level, stable surface, such BOSU for example.

Start integration which some squats or lunges, combined with Push-Ups in a number of intervals.

Now go a step further and makes 20 jumps and 20 Burpees with 10 Push-Ups, then rest for 30 seconds and 5 times repeated.

This is a much more effective way to engage more muscles in your body, your core business and speed up your metabolism to a fast fat burning effect create. Do this every morning and see increase your metabolism and watch your belly fat melt away.

Tun, 5, 10, 15 and 20 repetitions in a set of squats of a flat Middle get abs much faster than hundreds of crunches a week section and stricter you. And stop ask the abdominal crunch machine at the gym to do if you want to have a healthy back and posture in coming years. Just because this machine in stress on your abdominal muscles does not mean your gym and places that it is safe.

Personally I like my stomach in a Board and hack to work as if I am movement chop wood. There are so many safe and effective variations, but I save that for another article.

So stop, only work on your ABS of m. rectus and spot reduction. Start to think about and work with your body as a whole as it is designed to do. Thinking mind, your body is very complex and so much more than just spine crunching crunches will do. Work your ABS and core muscles while your spine in a fixed, just exercising safe and difficult position, such as for example the "bar" on the floor or on a stability ball.

They train your posture, as you should be upright and high. And remember why your abdominal muscles only, if you can at the same time work many more muscle groups to create time to a metabolic fat burning effect and 100% achieve more in quick time, their work.

Strong, train stay safe to train and intelligent.

Lee is a fitness expert here in Stockholm and Lidingö in Sweden. Lee is from London UK and business now runs his successful fitness boot camps and personal training.

Lee also writes for FEMINA magazine as their fitness expert and personal trainer and wrote for many other magazines in the last writings on health and fitness.

076 339 2559

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