Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Develop Running As a Lifestyle

One of the greatest physical and mental challenges on the planet is to complete a Marathon. While the thought of running a little over 42 km is daunting, for most healthy people this is an achievable goal. The first key to develop running into a lifestyle is to set a goal. It may be to run a marathon, a half marathon or even just 10km. Perhaps you want to lose weight or get to a particular clothing size or to be healthy and live longer! Whatever the case maybe, it's hard to keep running without a good reason to keep you going.
Before beginning any running program you shoulder undergo a health check by a legally qualified medical practitioner. Once you're clear to run, the next step is to get the right equipment - running shoes. Running in the wrong shoes or in poor quality shoes is likely to result in an injury eventually. Your body is priceless, so investing in a good pair of running shoes is worth every cent. It is a good idea to visit a running shoe specialist that can find the right type of shoes for your foot and running style.
If you're new to running, keep the distance short to begin with and add distance to your runs incrementally. To help you achieve your overall goal, set smaller goals along the way. You will be encourage and have a sense of accomplishment as you reach each one. An easy way to get discouraged is to go for a run that is beyond your ability and returning home with your tail between your legs. If you run the same loop day after day boredom will eventually set it. Vary your course, speed and distance regularly. A good idea is to have a set course that you run once a month or so to test your progression but other than that keep it interesting.
Short breaks are essential for your body to recover and over training can lead to reduced training performance. However taking long breaks will result in much of the physiological changes, like your aerobic performance, being reduced. Obviously if you're injured you will need to fully recover but if you healthy keep the breaks short, perhaps no more than a week or two but this will vary person to person.
All your hard work needs to be matched by proper nutrition or your performance and your ability to progress as a runner will be affected. Everyone's requirements are different so you may want to consult a qualified dietician. Getting the right balance of protein, carbs and fats is important but it's not simply all about numbers and percentages. You will need to eat a good amount of fresh vegetables and fruit to keep your body healthy. Some runners like to include fresh homemade fruit and vegetable juice to assist with providing the body with vitamins and minerals.
So set goals, get a health check, get fitted for good running shoes, start with small distances, vary your program, take short breaks and eat healthy. All these step will help cement running as part of your life.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kids and Health - How You Can Ensure It

Health and wellness in the 21st century have some significant problems. We're told we have an obesity epidemic, especially among children but it is not an obesity problem. It is a health problem. The kids and health challenge can be solved.
Let us look at the big picture. Two variables pop up, both of which need to be addressed, if we are to resolve the health problem with kids and adults. We need to make a commitment and take action along these two fronts. When we talk about the health of our children, we want to prepare them for healthy adulthood. We want them to live long lives without the debilitating diseases that adults currently face.
We must take action in these two areas:
For kids to be healthy, they need to learn to eat healthy food. We must minimize, if not entirely eliminate, processed foods, foods grown on nutrient depleted soils and foods that have to travel around the world before they find their way to our tables.
We need to go local, go organic and shop at farmers markets in order to keep our children from becoming junk food junkies.
If you think organic is too expensive, you can buy wholesale from nearby organic farms by forming co-ops with you friends and neighbors. It will pay dividends in your kids and health. Nutrition, at one time, came only from food, but now we turn also to multivitamins that can helps us where food falls short.
Kids nutrition should be looked at from the time they are newborns to the times they stop growing and become adults. Those needs are different, so we need to speak to those differences. Kids are growing. We want to make sure that they have the kind of nutrition to make strong healthy bones, healthy hearts and good immune systems. Infants for example, have weak immune systems which is why mothers milk helps them get started until they develop their own immune systems
We can get multi-vitamin & multi-mineral powder for infants, a chewable multivitamin for growing kids and teens love meal shakes, fast food with no guilt. But nutrition isn't a panacea for kids and health if you don't take the environment into consideration. Just look under your sink, bathroom and kitchen, how many toxic products are there.
How does that affect your kids and health?
What about your water? Check your local water? How pure is it? Kids water needs to be pure. It affects your kids and health. A water purifier is an excellent investment for your kids health.
What about cleaning products, laundry detergent? Dishwashing soap, both hand and dishwasher?
What are the ingredients and how will they affect your children's health?
Think green. Think what will not harm your kids and their health. You can begin to make all those changes right away. Every step you take will keep your kids and health safe, you are saving their adult lives dave from debilitating diseases, osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes to name just a few.
Don't let your kids become junk food junkies.Improve their immune systems.Help them build healthy bones.Teaching them to eat healthy food.
These are the ways we can solve the challenges of health and wellness in the 21st century.
Gloria Reibin has been an Internet Marketer since 1998. She has had a lifelong passion for health and fitness. Visit her 7 Minute fitness Success website and her YouTube Kids and Health Channel

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Comparing The Chemical And Natural Lice Treatment

There are basically two popular methods when it comes to getting rid of lice infestation: the chemical stuffs and the natural lice treatment. Between these two, the chemical is much popular as they are always seen in markets, magazines, paid advertisements and in the Internet. The range of their market awareness is much wider when compared to the natural treatment as more people are able to see the chemical methods than the other one.
Moreover, there are several things that you must know on these two methods. The different facts and details about them will be provided to you by this article and will help you to decide which is better than the other.
Let us compare the two methods:
Chemical treatment - the market is actually bombarded by the different lice treatment products that are usually chemical based. Examples of these are the anti lice shampoos, lotions and creams that you just need to apply to the affected area in order to get the relief and get rid of the lice that are bothering you.
Most people prefer to use the chemical methods since they are satisfied with the results they are getting from it. They can really see that the numbers of lice are diminishing each day and the itch is gradually disappearing. To put in other words, more people are satisfied from using the chemical stuffs in eliminating their lice problem.
However, there is only thing that you must be wary of to this particular treatment; and that is there are possibilities that you might suffer from side effects on it. This is not really surprising anymore since these products are made from chemical ingredients that might trigger some adverse affects on its users. The only thing that you can do to prevent any unpleasant incidents is to be very careful whenever you are out in the market and choosing this lice remedy.
Natural treatment - obviously, this remedy does not have any side effects since there are no any chemicals involved. You are not required to roam the market and look for the products that will get eradicate this problem; all you need to do is to follow some tips on how you can get rid of lice in your hair.
What you will need is a brush or a comb that you will use in combing your hair frequently. By frequent combing, you are not only doing yourself a favor as you will look good in front of the mirror, but you will also get rid of the lice eggs that are above in your head.
Another natural remedy that you can do is to avoid staying long under the heat of the sun since these small insects strive best under that condition.
Not that you know the things that you can get from these two lice remedies, it will be just up to you to make the final decision.
Alison Gilbert writes about lice treatment for the best price on her blog, visit the lice treatment blog to read more on this topic.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Home Remedies For Warts

Warts are caused by a virus and are contagious. Warts are small skin growths mostly seen among children and young people. They are usually harmless but can be bothersome since it affects the beauty of your face.
Fresh aloe vera juice can dissolve warts and tone the skin. Papaya, pineapple, banana peel and figs contain enzymes that can dissolve warts. Milkweed is also used to remove warts. Eating more asparagus, citrus fruits, eggs, garlic and onions can prevent warts. Undiluted tea tree oil can be applied directly on the wart several times a day to dissolve it. Echinacea tincture taken daily can also help in getting rid of warts. Garlic juice can be rubbed on to the wart to remove it. Drinking and local application of calendula tea can be helpful. Raw potatoes are also found to be beneficial in the treatment of warts; just rub a slice of potato on the affected area and let it dry before washing off with clean water.
Soak a few slices of lemon in apple cider with a little salt. Let it stay for two weeks and then rub the lemon slices on the affected area to dissolve the warts. Castor oil can be continuously applied upon the warts to dissolve it. Break a dandelion stem and apply the milk that oozes out on to the wart to dissolve it; this has to be repeated several times before you get the final result. Chickweed is also an effective herb in the treatment of warts, just crush it and apply it over the warts.
Apple cider vinegar on its own is also an effective home remedy for warts. The milky juice extracted from the trunk of the banyan tree is also effective in removing warts. Intake and application of cabbage juice is also beneficial. A paste made of coriander seeds and also cumin seeds are known to be helpful in the removal of warts. Lemon oil is another popular remedy for wart treatment. A mixture of ground flaxseeds and honey can be helpful in removing warts. Fresh grapefruit juice can also be applied on the wart to dissolve it. The juice of marigold leaves is also a remedy used in wart removal. Onion juice is also good to remove warts.
A paste made of pomegranate skin and lemon juice can be applied on the warts and is effective in the treatment of warts. The juice of fig stems is also known to remove warts. Coating the affected area with camphor oil several times a day can remove the warts. Apply some melted brown sugar on the affected area and leave it over night, wash it off in the morning with cold water and repeat this for a few days before you see the results. Drinking green tea is also beneficial during the treatment of warts.
Sherlock Danielly is well known for his knowledge in herbal remedies. He had written much article on herbal remedies for depression, herbal remedies for arthritis, herbal remedies for menopause, herbal remedies for constipation, herbal vitamins, aloe vera uses etc.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Ayurveda Knowledge Is Essential for Great Health and Happiness

Ayurveda is one of the world's most used and trusted forms of alternative or traditional medicine. It is used the world over, and is even preferred to more conventional medical procedures and treatment in some parts of the world. Ayurveda actually started in India way back in the first millennium, when the world barely existed and modern medicine was a ways from being invented. Human beings were getting sick and needed to invent ways to heal themselves and prevent other illnesses from cropping up, all using the available resources provided by nature. Herbs and vegetables became staple and meditation became a way of life.
Derived from the Greek words Ayus (life) and Veda (science), the science of life involves the five elements of the universe (earth, water, fire, air and sky), seven primary constituents of the human body (blood, plasma, flesh, fat, marrow, semen and bone) and three elemental features (phlegm, wind and bile). A balance in all these elements is required for the human body to be in good health, according to Ayurvedic training. Ayurvedic theories deduce that certain states of balance in the elemental elements are responsible for individual temperaments, likes and dislikes. A balance in these elements is the biggest contributor to a person's overall health. Good digestion and excretion as well as regular exercise and meditation are the recipes of good health.
During the Ayurvedic classes that you take, you should also learn that Ayurveda is a science of eight primary constituents: internal medicine, psychiatry, surgery, ENT, toxicology, pediatrics, disease prevention and finally aphrodisiacs. For those who love to indulge, you will learn that Ayurveda advocates for moderation in some aspects of life, but freedom to indulge in other areas. Moderation is called for in sexual matters, food intake and sleep, simply because too much of either is known to be detrimental to one's overall perspective. Of course suppression of natural urges has been known to lead to some undesirable effects, but overindulgence may be worse.
By the time you finish you Ayurvedic training, you will have learnt the science of diagnosing the state of a person's health. You will be able to check for the origin of the illness, precursory symptoms, usual symptoms of the final stage of the disease and the pathology behind it. It all sounds a little too advanced for a form of medicine labeled "contemporary" or "alternative" medicine doesn't it? Diagnosis is not just about the visible, as you will learn; in fact, most of the best diagnoses are made using other senses, such as hearing how the patient speaks and breathes, touching the patient and feeling
Anyone can take Ayurveda classes: even if you are only interested in a specific aspect of it like herbology or massage, you are sure to get a course that is suitable for you. The beauty of Ayurveda is that it is useful and easy to practice for everyone, in whichever age bracket or social status. We all stand to benefit from the science, which uses natural products that you can even grow on your kitchen garden. Take advantage of the ability to knowledge garnered from Ayurveda classes to enhance your lifestyle and maintain your good health.
Find more information about ayurvedic schools and ayurveda classes on my website.

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

How To Cure Verstauchungen - 3 einfache Home Heilmittel, die Arbeit fragt

You want to know how to cure sprains? Sprain comes usually with pain and it's no fun.
What is a sprain?
When you get hurt the ligaments of the body, then it is called as a sprain., they are common in the knee, elbow, wrist or ankle experience. In fact, bands are a bone to a different link, and the strange movements tissue to avoid. A huge force is applied to a body that is muscles, congested leading to the expulsion of fibres and consequently a sprain can result.
Sprains occur for people who are very active in different kinds of sports. Examples include football, cricket or gymnastics. It can also occur if there is a random or a bad fall.
Home remedies
A few home remedies to the sprains are immediately and effectively to heal:
Under pressure to put effects with ice field. Cover the area with a bandage. If not comfortable with ice, hot water can also be applied. Application of hot water with content of Epsom Salt brings instant relief to the affected area. Epsom Salt helps maintain the warmth of the water in the muscle. for black coffee wonders does a sprained foot. Contact with the foot distort black coffee 1 tablespoon with the Association leaves Kale in water soaked usable turned AnFür immediate pain relief in the area and oils of lavender, garlic and almonds of affected ligaments can heal.
Some other precautions should together with the home remedies are made for faster recovery of injured ligaments or tendons. The affected muscles should be extended for enough blood circulation. Food in potassium and calcium rich should be used to make strong bones and muscles. Fruits pineapple provide these nutrients. Finally, the most important measure is packed down with a Federation, so that it prevents more swelling and helps to heal faster the affected ligament the affected muscles.
Is there a better solution?
In General, the above home remedies are effective, but the affected ligament takes a lot of time to heal. To our relief studies from the University of Connecticut has revealed that a natural cream that one of the ingredients such as Belladonna, Ignatia, Lachesis Mutus and Cetyl Myristoleate success rate in reducing the pain has 100%. This cream shows the source of your pain to heal, so there is never, and there are no side effects, so this is one of the essential and effective remedies such as sprains to heal.
To learn more about how to cure sprains with a natural pain rub cream are made from pain relieving homeopathic ingredients? Simply visit:

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

How Donating Blood Platelets Helps Those in Need

Donating blood platelets can help extremely ill patients recover their health. Platelets are a component of blood that helps with clotting. People who are receiving chemotherapy or other therapy involving radiation cannot create enough platelets with their own bodies, and without donated platelets their blood cannot clot properly. These patients are at risk for serious medical complications if they cannot get blood platelets from willing donors. Not long ago, blood services had to collect many donations from healthy people and then extract the small amount of platelets from each donation. Today, the most advanced collection services can extract the platelets from donated blood in seconds by cycling it through a special machine that then returns the remaining blood to the donor.
Blood platelet donation is simple and easy for a healthy person, and does not take very long. Platelet donation is very safe, and most blood services make sure their donors can relax during the process. The staff generally ask a few questions about the donor's medical history before checking blood pressure, temperature, and iron level. While the donor lays back in a comfortable chair, the staff will insert a needle for the blood drawing process. It takes about three hours to donate blood platelets because the donor's blood must be run through a special machine that separates the platelets from the rest of the blood. Only a small amount of blood is removed from the donor's body at a time, about half a pint, and the rest of the blood is returned to the donor once the platelets have been removed.
Blood platelets are essential for cancer patients and other seriously ill people, and hospitals and blood services know how important their donors are. The platelet donation process should be relaxing and comfortable, many donation centers offer televisions, DVD players, magazines and books, and headphones to help keep their donors entertained. The donation process is also completely safe thanks to disposable, single use equipment. Many blood services also offer snacks and beverages for their donors after the donation process, and can answer questions about blood types and test results. Blood platelet donation can be a relaxing way to spend an afternoon while saving a life.
Currently, the availability of professional outsourced blood collection and storage services is making donation much simpler and affordable for healthcare employees and the institutions they manage. In the event, biological products are needed at any time of day or night they are a mere phone call away at a secure and conditioned location.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Bio Ceramic Water Amplification Filters

The health benefits associated with bio ceramic water have been widely understood in counties like Japan and Korea for centuries, but they are very new to western countries like North America. The term filter is somewhat of a misnomer, as the bio transformation takes place after the filtration process in modern water filter systems. However, the positive effect on the quality of drinking water is certainly no less astounding.
So what is bio ceramic water amplification (or conditioning), and how does it benefit us? To begin with, ceramics are hardened materials that through intense heat have formed a crystalline structure. It's that crystalline structure that creates the electrical energy that triggers the bio transformation process. As as result of this bio ceramic process, the molecular structure of the water is completely changed, offering a number of important benefits.
The structural changes include increased hydrogen levels in the water, the creation of electrical energy in the form of electrolytes, increased alkalinity and the formation of antioxidants. Each of these changes or additions to the water has its own benefits and we will explore them in some detail. But before we do, it's also important to note that this water is not as unnatural as it may sound. In fact, many years ago, all the world's fresh water was structured this way, and still is in some very remote places. It's only pollution and chemicals added to our municipal water supplies that prevent us from still enjoying this kind of water naturally. Today, we can enjoy such water thanks to bio ceramic water filter cartridges.
The increased hydrogen levels have a big impact on the rate at which our body cells are rehydrated. One glass of bio ceramic water has the same cell rehydration qualities as five glasses of untreated water.
Electrolytes are minerals found in the body that carry electronic impulses or signals to body cells. Our body's cells need electrolytes in order to properly function by transferring electrical impulses across cell membranes. This in turn allows our muscles and nerves to function at optimum levels. A bio ceramic water filter cartridge is a convenient and inexpensive alternative to sugary sports drinks.
Increased alkalinity in water is another very important benefit of bio transformation. As many people are aware, humans are nearly 70% water and alkaline water at that. Today, in places like North America, people's bodies tend to be overly acidic. This is primarily due to poor diet characterized by too much processed food and insufficient fresh fruit and vegetables. A pH imbalance in our bodies can result in health and wellness issues. Our vital organs such as heart, liver, lungs and kidneys all require a slightly alkaline level to function properly. If they detect an overly acidic state, they will seek to correct the imbalance from alkaline reserves in the body. Typically this will come from alkaline properties such as calcium and magnesium from bones. This can deplete our bones of these vital nutrients. Therefore low pH levels can result in symptoms such as tiredness and insufficient bone density.
Finally, we are told that antioxidants are good for us because they fight free radicals. But what really are antioxidants and free radicals? Our body needs oxygen and when oxygen is used, at least one electron is lost from the oxygen molecule.This is known as oxidation and the electron is called a free radical. Free radicals attack every cell in the body leading to a breakdown of the immune system and an increase in the aging process. Antioxidants like vitamin A and C, consume free radicals to the point where they can do so no longer. They therefore need replacing on a continual basis via the food and water we intake.
Check out the water filter cartridges blog for for information.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Filtering to know Salon air - 5 important things

Salon air volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) and airborne particulate filters is a healthy step in the right direction. Here are 5 important facts to know and understand, if a filter system.
Carbon filters are best for chemical-there is no point in reinventing the wheel on which filters to remove air chemicals is best. Carbon is known for his ability, air air chemicals such as those, which probably exhaust are clear of many salon products.
And even though carbon is really effective in reducing the emission of gaseous pollutants, it needs help with the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), the many Salon procedure produce. Improvement of the activated carbon filter with additive potassium iodide further increase their capacity, clear air of chemicals that burn eyes cause can hurt throats, and heads to pain.
The short-term side effects of inhaling these chemicals are uncomfortable, to say the least. The long-term effects of these chemicals for a long period, which may be the case when you work in a nail or the beauty breathe may even scarier.
HEPA filter is best for particle-high-efficiency particulate arresting (usually abbreviated as HEPA) filters are best to remove microscopic particles. Designed to 99.997 particles floating of every 10,000 absorb, that are. 3 Micron or it is greater to clean an awesome filter your salon air.
This type of technology is ozone free and ionization used to clean. Rather just drop particles and sends a lot fresher, to breathe pure air in your shop for all. The increase in the fresh air which everyone breathes, makes everyone feel better. And there are none below on this page.
Split capacitor motor is best for continuous cleaning-the best can do your cleaners of clean all time is. The only way for an air purifier is equipped with a motor to do be the consistently high revolutions per minute importance durability requirement is provided. This type of engine is referred to a permanent split capacitor.
The advantage for you is that it can clean while you are there, and is closed during the Salon for the night. Thus anyone who comes in the morning will be welcomed by fresh, clean air which is free from chemical smells to the left of the procedures done one or two days before.
Pre-filters lengthen the service life of filters-these are relatively inexpensive filters like money in the Bank. If you read the technical specifications and determine that a unit has them, you are rather receive (such as in 3 5) years of service.
These filters trap large and medium-sized particles, so they don't clog the HEPA. This prefilter can be drawn from the outside and can be replaced very inexpensively.
Portable air cleaner type the most options-since to draw the most cleaner jobs in the air the next first able to move, the cleaner on wheels, where a very smelly process happens a real advantage is closer.
Another advantage is that you can determine whether it all night, as well as filtering speed runs. These options are rarely as the renter available with a built in air in a room, you can not own.
With a portable cleaner you have, you know that clean air is always as close as the nearest outlet. And you can healthy air, whether you are across the room or in the country on the move.
See Air Purifier, caused such a buzz in the industry now in Salon

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Having Enough Fiber Is An Excellent Way To Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Having hemorrhoids is no laughing matter when the joke is on you. There are lots of external as well as internal hemorrhoids treatment choices out there and you try every little thing to get rid of them.
Normally, natural remedies for hemorrhoids are the best ways to get rid of the problem. One extremely effective and effortless method to get rid of all types of hemorrhoids is including adequate fiber to your diet.
Hemorrhoids are normally caused by too much straining during bowel actions. If the walls of the colon are blocked for one reason or another, this creates substantial straining and pressure while attempting to pass the stool. This impacts to the blood vessels in the rectum resulting hemorrhoids.
This is where having fiber in the diet is such an excellent natural remedy for hemorrhoids. It cleanses the blocked inner walls of the bowel. With clean bowel walls the bowel action will flow effortlessly. This will ease the uncomfortable discomfort hemorrhoids cause and the recuperation will come.
One more way fiber will assist with hemorrhoids is increasing its bulk. Having a lot of bulk will decrease the chances of straining and lessen the already-existing hemorrhoids.
One more advantage of fiber is that it better your digestion by cleaning the intestines. There are some non-digestible particles in fiber-rich foods that do the job.
Fibers are found in foods like fruits, green leafy veggies, whole grains, corn, pasta, legumes, lentils, seeds, nuts, cereal, bread, beans as well as rice. It's best to consume at least one of these foods each day.
If you're a man under the age of 50, you need to consume 38 g of fiber every day. For males over 50, the daily consumption should be 30 g. These same numbers for women are 25 and 21 g, respectively.
Lots of professionals recommend high-fiber regimen. This need to include weekly doses of cooked beans as well as bran cereal for breakfast every day. Also, it is advised to consume wheat bread as an alternative of white bread. In addition, as mentioned above, daily dosages of vegetables and fruits are favorable.
Fiber is the best natural remedy for hemorrhoids. However, even though it is a great solution, people tend to overdo good things. So, make sure to get into fiber gradually. Doing this assists the body to adjust. Going the opposite direction and consuming a bunch of fiber all of a sudden may cause gas, cramps as well as bloating.
Consuming more fiber than suggested (50 grams or more) will cause dehydration and body imbalance. To avoid that increase water intake also. Follow the suggested daily consumption and you 'll be on your way to getting rid of hemorrhoids.
Do you know exactly what causes hemorrhoids and how to get rid of them permanently? Visit to find some of the most effective natural hemorrhoids home remedies.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Learn what acid reflux foods to avoid

A diet for heartburn start with a list of foods to avoid. But some foods cause digestive disorders more frequently than others. Keeping a diary note each instance of digestive disorders and what foods was used at the time, is a good way limiting trigger foods and ingredients.
Foods with oil and acid should be avoided because they can cause gastro-oesophageal reflux disease disease. This condition is very unpleasant, so if there is a way to avoid it, then replace the bad foods good food. Chocolate, fried foods, coffee and carbonated beverages can trigger acid reflux. Heartburn occurs during digestive disorders, causes pain in the chest and throat. If people change their diet, they can avoid heartburn and heartburn. Everyone reacts differently to different foods, so deliberately, what you eat and how it has an effect on you.
Acid reflux is a condition that today is all too common with people. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, also known as it comes back up liquids into the stomach into the esophagus. This reflux of stomach acid causes pain and can be a chronic disease. Changes in diet, patience and some natural remedies, use individuals GERD can stop syndrome.
Each one is different, but most people are heartburn or heartburn sure, if they feel come, simply eat an Apple and feel immediately stops. It must be also a delicious Apple. Each kind of Apple is going to do.
To eat the most secure elements, gastroesophageal reflux disease to help grain, fruit, vegetables and low-fat food. You are not by avoiding foods full of grease, oil and acid, probably, to experience discomfort in the chest and throat. To eat the right food, you can avoid heartburn and the symptoms that caused in your body. Natural remedies work better for an individual than another. Be patient and try you out more than one option to find the solution to stop the acid reflux.
Also have a role in the fight against digestive disorders can the overall diet. Foods such as figs, fresh pineapple and papaya are rich in digestive enzymes. By including in your diet can help you to eliminate indigestion. Eat yogurt with acidophilus, licorice and foods with high fiber can help your digestive system work more efficiently.
Holistic treatments and diet have changes as very effective for millions of people who suffer from GERD syndrome. Unfortunately, not every cure for you will work. While the exact reason is unknown, many experts assume that it is because each different genes. Integrated to an effective remedy, in particular for GERD syndrome, you may find using the exclusion process.
The fact is, not all foods are healthy. The most popular unhealthy food is "Junk foods". Just like the word already says, in other words, it is crap, such as garbage. But many people are still this kind of food acid reflux to avoid eating food
A change in your diet is the most effective way to acid reflux handle. Although at first you may feel deprived of certain foods, think what will happen if you eat or drink these foods what causes that acid reflux still

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Monday, March 5, 2012

5 Of the Best New Year Resolutions Tips

Have you made any fitness or nutrition new year resolutions yet? Have you already broken them? Don't give up, the year has only just begun.Making a new year resolution is easy, keeping it is the hard part. All you might need is a bit of guidance to harness your motivation and enthusiasm.
For a better chance of achieving your fitness and nutritional goals follow my best new year resolutions tips...
5 of the Best New Year Resolutions Tips
Tip # 1:
You must identify the reason you want to change. If you embark on a new fitness regime or healthy eating plan without a reason, then you will fail. How do I know you will fail? Because you don't know why you are trying to make a change. Identifying your reason for change will allow you set your goals.
Tip # 2:
Make you resolution quantifiable. Don't make a resolution such as 'I am going to lose weight', your resolution should be to lose a certain amount of weight. Making your resolution quantifiable will enable you to set your goals and identify your finish line, giving you something to strive for.
Tip # 3:
Don't make too many resolutions and make sure the ones you do make are something you really want to achieve. By this I mean don't make a resolution based on the suggestion of a partner or friend.
Tip # 4:
Once you have thought of your resolutions, document them and record your progress. Write down your resolutions and put them somewhere you will see several times a day. Some ideal places are on the fridge at home, on a wall in your bedroom, in your purse or wallet, even save them in your phone or computer. It doesn't matter where you put them, you just want to reinforce them to yourself several times a day. In addition keep a track of any progress you have made in a diary or notebook.
Tip # 5:
Give your resolution a deadline. A resolution without a deadline is a dream. If your resolution does not have an end date then it is not measurable. When giving your resolution a deadline, be sure to break your main resolution into smaller milestones with a deadline of their own. For example, if you are trying to lose 10kg, break it down into 10 mini milestones ie: 1kg within a certain time frame.
Achieving your new year resolutions can be difficult, but not impossible. Like everything in life, you will need to commit to it, work hard and attack it with intensity and consistency. Even the best new years resolution tips won't help you if you are not committed to achieving your goals.
Millions of people around the world have spent their hard earned money on fitness fads and gadgets only to be disappointed when they don't achieve the body of their dreams. Remember there are no quick fixes when it comes to your health. Make this year the year you overhaul your lifestyle by committing to getting active and eating better.
If you have any questions or want any more help with achieving your new year resolution, simply drop a comment below or message me through the contact me section.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bone Density Tests Without a Radiation Dose

Many people who want to know the status of their bone health don't want to undergo a DEXA test (bone density scan) for a number of reasons. One is the expense, but even more significant is that the DEXA test creates exposure to ionizing radiation. Even though it's reported to be a low dose, more and more people are becoming uncomfortable with being exposed to any more radiation than they absolutely have to be, especially after the Japan nuclear site leaks, which are spreading radiation across the planet on the prevailing winds.
And then, there's the uncertainty about what the DEXA scan results actually mean and whether or not the test results are accurate and therefore can be relied upon. Questions about accuracy is a pertinent concern, because if the test is conducted on a different machine than was used previously, scores can be higher or lower. Therefore the reading results are not directly reflecting the actual density of bones, but rather also include influences from equipment that measured them.
Then, there's the T score Z score issue. Many people question the validity of comparing an older woman's bone density score to the average bone density of a 35 year old woman, which is what the T score evaluates. Better, they say, to use the Z score, which compares bone density of the patient with that of others her own age. After all, you wouldn't expect to compare the vision of a 65 year old with that of a 35 year old - some decline is expected with age and is not in that case cause for aggressive treatment with medications.
These and other reasons are why many people want a different test. Do such things exist?
The short answer is, 'yes', some other tests do exist. That said, it's important to know that these other tests are going to give a different answer than a DEXA answers because each of these tests asks a different question.
A question answered by DEXA scan results is "how dense are my bones?" A DEXA scan result, when compared to a previous one on the same equipment, can also address, "Does it appear that I have gained or lost bone since my last scan?"
Two alternative tests answer different but relevant questions, which are:
"Does it appear that I am I breaking down bone right now, and
"If so, how much?"
To answer that question, by-products of bone breakdown can be measured in the urine. These tests have several advantages:
1. They have the possibility of uncovering a bone loss process in its earlier stages;
2. They carry no risk of exposure to x-rays or photons; and
3. They are far less expensive than DPA or DEXA.
Before interpreting the results, however, you should know that measurements can vary by up to 40 or even 50% from one day to the next - not because the tests are inaccurate, but because bone loss rates can vary that much from day to day, and even hour to hour!
One such test measures the level of calcium excretion in the urine. However, if the test shows a higher rate of calcium excretion, that still doesn't mean the calcium is being taken from the bone. For example, the body could be dumping calcium due to high protein intake where the body is attempting to get rid of some calcium to balance phosphorus ratios, and the high score has nothing to do with bone loss at all.
Also, a great deal depends on when in the course of the bone breakdown process the tests are taken: urinary calcium is increased in the initial phases of bone depletion, normal later, and low when the bone bank calcium deposits are drained.
Another urine test measures pryidinium crosslinks, which are metabolic products that show up in the urine when bone type I collagen is being broken down. Again, this is a test that takes a 'snapshot' of the bone loss process at the moment the test is taken.
Normal laboratory values for these test people are still being determined to discover normal levels for people of different ages.
Therefore, interpreting these results remains a matter of opinion.
Still, for a variety of reasons, such alternative test results can be valuable in attempting to discover status of the mineral density of your bones - and doing so without a radiation dose!
You can bolster your physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being with free expert, insider tips to guide you. You're invited to subscribe and request your topic at

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hip Replacement Devices and Their Development

A current hip resurfacing patients recently asked why it took surgeons so long to learn how important the angle of the acetabular cup angle is during hip resurfacing surgery. Incorrect placement of the acetabular cup has caused many failures of hip resurfacing resulting in revisions of hip resurfacing to total hip replacements.
The answer to that question of why it takes so long to learn if a hip device and/or surgical technique is successful takes a long time since it is complicated. Iif anyone has worked in the engineering or design field, they will realize that usually the original design of a product or machine is never what the final design turns out to be. We are not machines that can determine perfect designs for anything. There are always unknowns. If you think about many things in our lives, they are always under constant change and updates. Car models are often changing, TVs are changing, cell phones, computers, etc. are constantly in change. Software for computers are always updating and changing. Athletes are always changing techniques to improve their skills. Musicians are always practicing to improve their skills. Medicine and joint replacement is not any different. Engineers are trying to design a device to replace a human joint while doctors are trying to place that foreign object in our bodies to act as the original equipment. This is not an easy task. There have been thousands of designs of hip devices over the years. The metals or plastics continue to change, the metallurgy changes, and the designs of the components change. There is nothing static about designs, they are constantly changing.
It takes time for doctors to learn how the devices are actually functioning in patients. Typically it takes about three to four years for them to start to see trends about how the device has acted and how the bone growth has attached to the components. It takes time for the results to become statistics. So with any device, the wait period is long and often by then, there has been a change in the device design. As a result, there are few devices of the same design left after a few years to compare results.
It is very difficult tracking the new devices and their results right after their implant since it takes time for the bone to attach to the components. Many of the top experienced surgeons were placing the actabular cups at a good angle early on. They knew instinctively that the acetabular cup should be in a certain position to work well. I have always said and heard surgeons say that surgical skill is more than a skill or learned process, it is also an art. It is similar to the great athletes that instinctively know what to do. They do learn and practice, but have a God-given skill that places them way above many other athletes. The same is true with the really top surgeons. If you think about sports or activities you are personally really good at, you are not looking at the educational videos or books to learn how to throw a ball, play an instrument or type on a computer. Those with really good skills are able to do it almost without thinking. That is the way it is with the top surgeons. They had an instinct about how things should work and were very successful. Mr. McMinn of the UK is doing that all the time as he develops devices. Many of the other top surgeons have helped develop hip devices and many of the surgical instruments to help place hip devices. A recent example of one is with Dr. Kusuma in Columbus. He wanted a better way to insure his placement of a BHR was correct. He developed a template system which no other surgeon had done before.
There is a great deal of constant change with any hip device or any man-made mechanical device. Designs keep changing and hopefully for the better. Skills and instruments to place joint devices keep changing and hopefully for the better. It is very complex and just takes time to develop excellent devices and how to place them exactly. The orthopedic surgeons keep track of their series of hip resurfacings and the National Directories keep track of hip resurfacing patients. It takes time for all the statistics and results to accumulate and become tools to help learn about a hip device and a specific surgical technique.

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Discover A Unique Weight Gainer That Helps Fill Out Your Body Safely And Quickly

If you are tired of searching through all of the weight loss products available when you are looking for a weight gain products, then look no further. There are literally millions of different diets, pills and strategies to help people lose weight, and these are all useless information for you, because you want to gain weight, not lose it. If you're one of those people that is having a very hard time putting on weight because you have an extremely fast metabolism or a very small appetite then you will be excited to learn about an innovative new weight gain product. This new pill is available, and provides you with an excellent appetite stimulant, which will delay your feeling of fullness so you can eat more food, more often.

There are certain homerooms the naturally occurring your body, which include leptin, insulin and peptide YY. All of these hormones tell your mind and your stomach that you are full, so you need to stop eating. The problem remains, there are many people in whose bodies these hormones are overactive and repress their appetite excessively far. This can cause them to be overly skinny, regardless of the amount of calories they take in or the foods that they eat. Although you may eat a lot of food, more often, the hormones will still get in your way of gaining weight. For anybody who wants to find the best weight gain products and discover the best weight gainer on the market then you do not need to look any further. This is a new, innovative and unique weight gainer formula that tells your body that you need to eat more and consume more calories. It is the product of the latest in scientific research as well as over 60 years of expertise in the field. This way it has produced the most effective, safest and science driven weight gain product available on the market today, and you do not have to change your diet to experience superior weight gain.

These weight gainers are so safe to use, you can easily and safely increase your calorie intake, which will help you to increase your body weight. Most people discover an average weight gain of 2.1 pounds per week, when they use this new product. Instead of just being told to eat more and trying to eat more, taking this simple supplement will help you gain weight very quickly. In studies, there have been people who have actually gained between 10 and 20 pounds in four weeks time. These results are exemplary. The men who have taken this weight gain formula have reported that they are bigger, stronger and more muscular, while women have reported that they now have sexier curves and a more feminine figure. You do not need to change your diet, all you need to do is add the best weight gainer on the market to your daily regimen, and discover for yourself how you can safely, effectively and quickly gain weight and reveal your true, full, sexy self.

Learn more about how weight gain products can assist you in boosting your weight, increasing your size, bulk and health.

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Diet Solution Program Reviews

This diet plan is an ebook that was composed a nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios. In this published document Mrs.Isabel puts out her guidelines for a nutritious food consuming lifestyle built around your hereditary make-up.
Is this fat loss diet bogus, or does this diet actually work for people? This diet plan is easy to follow, but there are a variety of scams and more scams, out there in the weight loss business, however, in this case you'll be able to know this is not a scam. This diet plan has received the endorsement of most health and nutritionists as the best and most correct nutrition manuals there is. This weight loss program is a complete, effectively written, fully packed, and filled with tips which is able to open a whole new way of thinking for you, in regarding the very best way for you to eat and how to live a better life.
One of the most effective things in regards to this weight loss program is that Mrs.Isabel exhibits you how you can determine your specific metabolic type which helps you determine the best eating plan for you. It is one of the things people find really helpful. Even if you don't need lose weight, this diet plan is a must have to live a healthier life.
This weight loss program is ideal for diabetics and has been confirmed to lower the level of sugar in the blood. This diet plan also helps people by lowering the very bad cholesterol, ease digestion and getting a clearer skin. Don't just search online for fat loss diet you will see 1000s of diets and also weight loss program reviews that promise the answers. When you find yourself in this situation with all kinds that you do not know the one that is best. Also, you will find that a lot of them are just scams and don't ship the promised ebooks.
The final point to make is that this diet plan is a productive way to diet that is clear-cut to people who have failed before. Another wonderful and great features of this weight loss program is the adaptability of the recipes and menu items. To achieve any success a diet has to provide a good variety for real long term success, so the weight can be lost and kept off the weight can be kept off forever.
You can make a choice now, you can keep on doing the same old thing, or you can take action now, and look at this great weight loss program to change your life forever!

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

26 Ways To A Healthier You

Instead of setting new year resolutions that are soon broken, consider making some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle which you can adopt throughout this year and beyond.
1. Aim to eat a minimum of 5, but preferably 8 to 10 fruits and vegetables a day.
2. Choose "negative calorie" vegetables which use up more calories to digest than the number of calories they contain. Examples are broccoli, carrots, celery, lettuce, asparagus, cauliflower, chilli peppers, cucumbers, garlic, onions, spinach, turnip.
3. Fruit is best eaten in the morning - for example, a fruit smoothie for breakfast, or as a snack between meals. Negative calorie fruits include apples, tangerines, papayas, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, grapefruit, lemons, mangos, oranges.
4. Include some raw vegetables in your diet each day, such as a side salad or crudités but avoid high sugar and fat dressings or dips.
5. NEVER cook vegetables in a microwave as it destroys most of the nutrients and can be harmful to health. Steaming is the best cooking method.
6. Unless you have an allergy to them, nuts and seeds make an ideal snack instead of crisps or chocolate. They are best eaten raw and a handful is not as fattening as you may think.
7. Choose lean cuts of meat but only eat a small portion. It's not necessary to eat meat every day.
8. Eat at least one portion of oily fish a week such as salmon, tuna or mackerel.
9. Use a smaller plate. Psychologically, you will feel more satisfied eating from a full, small plate than a half empty, large plate.
10. Go easy on the dairy products. They can be quite fattening and are not essential for health. Green, leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds are a far superior source of calcium.
11. Natural, pro-biotic yogurt can help aid digestion by providing millions of good bacteria to the gut but avoid yogurts with fruit, sugar or artificial sweeteners.
12. Keep processed foods to a minimum, especially starchy carbohydrates, as they are high in calories and soon leave you craving for more.
13. Avoid "white" foods such as white bread, pasta, rice and sugar. Instead, use the wholemeal or brown versions.
14. Avoid all artificial sweeteners as they are harmful to health and actually stimulate your appetite! Xylitol, a natural sweetener, is a safer alternative with few calories.
15. Drink at least 2 litres of fluid a day, ideally water.
16. If you feel hungry between meals, try a glass of water, first. Thirst lets us know we are dehydrated but sometimes we mistake it for hunger.
17. Keep caffeinated drinks to a minimum as they can be dehydrating.
18. Alcohol is high in calories, so limit the amount you drink.
19. Avoid fizzy drinks full of empty calories. Even the diet versions are bad and will make you want to eat more!
20. To make up the shortfall in nutrients in our food today, take a broad-spectrum multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Liquid versions are usually best for absorption.
21. Take a probiotic supplement with billions of "good" bacteria (acidophilus and bifidus) to aid digestion and absorption of nutrients in the gut.
22. Take fish oil, either in capsules or as a liquid for omega 3 fatty acids.
23. If you are deficient in Vitamin D, your ability to lose weight will be harder. A supplement with Vitamin D3 can help raise your levels. Most people in the UK are deficient during the winter months.
24. Avoid eating after 7pm. Any carbohydrates not used as energy will be stored as fat.
25. Get active. No need to sign up for the gym. A brisk walk, running up and down stairs, parking further away from your destination, doing housework... can all help burn extra calories and keep you fit and healthy.
26. Finally, some people struggle with weight control due to an underlying medical condition. The most common are Hypothyroidism (underactive Thyroid Gland), Insulin Resistance (Pre-Diabetes/Type 2 Diabetes), or a Food Intolerance. If you suspect you may have a problem, consult a health practitioner for a health check.
Sue Bedford is a Registered Nurse with a Diploma in Nutrition, specialising in health screening and health promotion. More information can be found at

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How to Choose, Buy And Use an Essential Oil

Essential oils are the primary component in the aromatherapy practice. They can also be used at home for the physical and psychological well being. Essential oil is the distilled and pure concentrate that is extracted from the flowers, fruits, leaves, peel or twigs of a plant. There are a variety of essential oils available in the market, however, when you plan to buy one you need to be extra careful as there is a risk of getting the one that is not original. Oils that are less costly can be highly toxic and can damage your skin after application.
How to choose essential oils
When it comes to aromatherapy it is not necessary that all the products will be pure or natural. You have to make sure that you buy from a reputed dealer and check the label of the oil for ingredients. If you find the words such as "perfume oil", "fragrance oil" or "natural ingredient oil", avoid the product.
The label of the product should say 100% essential oil. And along with the common name of the plant, its botanical name should also be denoted. For example, if you are buying clove oil, the botanical name of clove, which is Syzygium Aromaticum, should also be seen on the label.
The price of the product can also act as a guide to buying pure and good quality aromatic oils. The essential oils that are 100% pure can't be cheap. The more tough it is to extract out the oil, the more will be its cost. Also make sure that you buy from well established dealer so that you avoid the risk of getting tricked.
Buying online is not a very good idea as the oils might expire and lose their essence. While buying online you also lose the opportunity of smelling the oil at the time of buying. Oils may differ by origin, and the weather conditions can also affect the smell and quality of the oils. Also, avoid smelling too many oils at the same time as it get confusing because the strong small of the oils can be overwhelming. You should rather smell the oils after breaks or return to the store later sometime.
How to apply essential oils
There are different ways of applying the essential oils. You can either apply the oil directly to your skin or by making use of a vaporizer or an oil burner. You can use a few drops in warm bed or inhale it directly by putting a few drops on your pillow or a handkerchief. It is said that by putting a few drops of the lavender oil on your pillow can assist you in getting a sound sleep. If you want to us the oils directly onto your skin, you have to use a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or jojoba oil to use it.
Phototoxic essential oils
There are some essential oils that can react to sunlight and can cause sunburn to a person. The oils that are to be used carefully include grapefruit, mandarin, lime, bergamot, cumin, lovage and angelica. The oils that are associated with lesser risks include caraway, ginger, lemon verbena, cassia and Melissa. Therefore, after applying these oils, you should try to avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
Shabina is a senior technical writer at a registered content creation firm. Shabina is a post graduate in management with a specialization in marketing. Her passion for writing combined with her literary knowledge makes her a good writer. Shabina writes about a variety of topics, however she has a knack for the health and fitness articles.
For knowing more about Shabina you can visit:

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Check your breast health

Breast cancer has emerged as one of the leading causes of cancer death in women in the world, especially in economically developing countries. It is also the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the world. Early detection of cancer is the Foundation for the treatment of breast cancer and survive. The fact that the early stages of breast cancer, however, complicated often asymptomatic screening for breast cancer. It is therefore important that women recognize the importance of regular screening tests, such as mammography to detect the presence of cancer that is still at a very early stage.
Here are some of the recommendations, the American Cancer Society, which help in the early diagnosis of breast cancer in women;
· Women in the 20s and older should begin with its BSE (self breast exam). The doctor should be reported to detect changes in their breasts while BSE. To know the proper technique for BSE, you can learn the BSE technique by a professional health.
· Women in the 20s and older should a CBE (clinical breast exam) every three years receive.
· Women aged 40 and older should be for a mammogram once a year, despite the fact the they otherwise in perfect health
Symptoms of breast cancer
In many cases, the early detection of cancer is not possible and you get only the disease after the manifestation of the signs and symptoms in the body to know. Some of these symptoms can be:
You clumps in the breast or armpit ·
Swollen and painful breast cancer
· Nipple discharge
· Irritation of the skin of the breast
· Pain or irritation in the nipple
Change in size and shape of the breast ·
It is essential that every woman, the changes in their breasts, mentioned including the signs and symptoms, recognizes a member who must request a medical examination immediately to health care professionals.
With advances in medical science, there are several treatments for breast cancer. The type of treatment for patients generally followed depends on the severity of the cancer and the extent that it has spread to the human body. Some of the common treatments include:
· Chemotherapy-it includes the use of certain drugs to kill cancer cells. They be given to patients in the form of pills or through intravenous tube.
· Surgery - this involves the surgical removal of tissue cancer
· Radiation therapy of high energy waves are part of the body aligned where the cancer cells to kill the cancer cells are
· Hormonal treatment of this therapy blocked the hormones in the body that grow by the cancer cells are needed
The type of treatment the patient must, taking into account the nature and the cancer determines the members of a health professional. Doctors tell their patients that use costs, and side effects of each type of treatment. Taking into account all factors, the patient under treatment options that are available can choose to help her and also decide where you the treatment of get. Many patients opt for cancer breast surgery in foreign locales, such as for example cancer breast surgery in Turkey, to take the cost benefits associated with it in order.
About the author
Rashmi Kalia has to write extensively about topics relating to health and fitness. More information and resources on treatment of cancer in Turkey can be found at

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Let the sun shine in

It seems that like every week there is a new study revealing further benefits of vitamin d. As you probably know, vitamin D is like the sunshine vitamin and is known for his role in calcium absorption and the prevention of rickets for a long time, but the last 5 years has seen an explosion of research revealing how appropriate this vitamin are crucial to your health.
Vitamin d affects 2000 our 30000 genes and a deficiency has been with many health problems including linked:
• Autoimmune disease.
• Cancer.
• Infections.
• Obesity.
• Eczema/psoriasis.
• Infertility.
• Periodontal disease.
• Depression.
Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and Chrohns have been disease, almost not existence of the population living near the Equator due to their increased exposure to the Sun.
People, the higher exposure to the Sun were also found to have lower incidence of breast cancer, colon and prostate cancer, and surprising melanoma.
It has been estimated that up to 80% of Australians have some vitamin D deficiency. You're probably like this wondering in such a Sun sun loving country can be soaked,. It is true that sunlight is by far our best source of vitamin D, but what is less known is that vitamin D is produced only when our skin is exposed to UVB rays. UVB rays are there only between 10 and 14 (11 and 15 during the summer season), we are prompted the times to protect us from the Sun. Sunscreen blocks UVB rays (a cream SPF15 sunscreen vitamin D production of 99.9% reduced). Glass blocks all UVB rays.
So, how much sun you need to produce enough vitamin D? This depends on factors such as age, your skin type and where you live. Vitamin D synthesis can be used for those, the older than 60 and under the age of 20 until to 4 times as long; People with darker skin and which go further South lives to have to live more sunlight than someone with white skin, or those who in North Australia. As a rule of thumb you should expose at least 40% of the skin in the Sun in the middle of the day (if your shadow is longer than you are great, you do not high levels of vitamin d) before you begin, Rosa and no longer to make, you want never to burn. This can be as little as a few minutes for a fair skin person and much more for darker skin be person.
Vitamin D deficiency is to correct one of the most widely used nutrient deficiencies in Australia but also the easiest way. Safe and sensible sun exposure is one of the most important things, you can for your health and your protection from a range of diseases to increase. Elderly, dark skinned people, and those who cover their bodies for religious reasons are at special risk of vitamin D deficiency and should their vitamin D levels checked and have monitored by a competent physician.
Matt Douglas BHSc is a Sydney Naturopath and nutritionist.
He has a strong interest in food as medicine and in his practice practices and herbal medicine combines modern nutritional science with the wisdom of traditional food. Matt is aware of the profound impact that not only our food can have choices of food buying decisions when you create a healthier and more sustainable world on our physical health, but also makes passionate.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spa Salon marketing - 4 core marketing principles, the marketing errors to success to make

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All You Need to Know to Accelerate Your Spa Salon Marketing
The most important thing to understand is that promotion campaign has to be designed for clients not for salon owners. And certainly, it has to attract them be speaking the language of clients which means, by implementing the right promotion strategy that fits the clients' income level and attracts them by offering what they want. That is why many salon owners have to precisely understand who the target market is and how the clients can be excited into action.
It is not a secret that the best ideas for marketing campaigns are those that have already been implemented. If they worked in the past, they will work in the future as marketing is like ageless wisdom, doing the same things in new different ways. However, those ideas must remain fresh that translates as the concept is remained but the message changes.
Birthday letters, cards or notes can be successfully utilized for salon promotion campaign. They can take lots of different forms and shades or colours. They can be handwritten or beautifully printed or send electronically via e-mail. The most important thing to understand that marketing is all about matching and therefore, birthday letters, cards or notes must match the salon's image.
So, the concept is remained but what changes is the message
The message has to be short, simple and catchy highlighting the benefits the client will get by purchasing the salon services. The message should emphasize the reason of this campaign such as `Mothers' Day' or Birthday and then, the way to stand out is in the `look' or discount or the offer that the salon owners give as a gift.
It is advised to set up a system that makes it easy to manage and sent those postcards two days before the beginning of the birthday month. Post or e-mail are preferred ways to send as the first one gives a feeling of personal attention or surprise and the second is very cost - efficient. You can do up a fantastic looking graphic and the cost of sending is very small.
The salon owners need to utilize birthday letters, cards on routine basis. But the `look' and `offer' should be changed every year. It is advised to keep offers so to be able to utilize them again after certain period of time or be aware of them aiming not to repeat the offer and fail.
The gift or the salon's offer does not need to cost a lot but need to mean a lot. One of the greatest examples of creating brand loyalty is to provide free treatments for clients or a gift card. This is important as it serves as relationship building with your clients.
Everybody knows that 20 per cent of clients are contributing to 80 per cent of profits. And those are called loyal customers.
Newsletters are very effective vehicles of salon advertising. However, they require a lot of work. As they carry some kind of news, newsletters are excellent for introducing a new product or a discount offer. As they carry a WOW factor. Therefore, clients need to be somehow attracted to read the newsletter.
There are several things that need to be transcended correctly: Despite the newsletter is a letter it has to be short or brief. It is also suggested to have no more than FOUR PROMOTION NEWSLETTERS
Some options:
Christmas time
The salon's birthday or anniversary Mothers Day
As it was mentioned earlier, it is important to create a marketing plan for the salon and keep it in the marketing folder along with the samples of previous campaigns. This will be of significant help when the next promotion is required. The salon owners can also add a future newsletter or a promotion idea when they get a new one at anytime. In this case, consistency is what makes us a winner. By not writing it down, the salon owners are likely to forget their idea and not having it when is required.
Newsletter content must be really good mix of news and interesting items as well as the salon's current promotions. Sometimes the salon owners confuse newsletters with advertising, so, they end up failing in its promotion as they end up not translating new and current propositions into benefits but simply write it in the form of add. This creates not only failure of promotion but also damages its salon's image. So, newsletters need to be newsletters.
One of the most important things to remember is that everything in promotion has to be spoken from the clients' point of view and therefore has to highlight the benefits it carries to the salon's clientele.
PLEASE NOTE: It is strongly recommended to get the salon's image from the graphic experts. Many salon owners try to do it themselves and once again fail in its promotion campaign as they cheapen on quality of paper and graphic design and end up damaging its brand image. Clients start thinking that the company is not doing well and poorly respond to such campaign.
However, the cost of printing and mailing this type of marketing is high, therefore, the work has to be done thoroughly and well in advance the campaign is planned to be undertaken. The salon's database must be up-to-date so you can effectively e-mail your newsletters.
PLEASE NOTE: It is more important to keep loyal customers satisfied than create new ones. So, keeping loyal clients is a number one priority for promotion campaigns as it easier to attract those who have an experience of the services rather than those who have been loyal to other salons.
It is recommended to set up a system for e-mailing (DM) at the point of 3 to 4 months if not returning. During the month of June you would go back to 3-4months and any client who visited the salon in January and February and has not returned would receive an invitation to re-visit the salon.
It is important to include the reason why the client is invited to return to the salon and discount is not always a good idea as it is seriously diminishing the value proposition.
The reasons why the discount is not always a good idea:
• It diminishes the value of the services
• There is a need to get a great response to a discount promotion to make up for the margin that is lost. If the salon owner has a 30 per cent profit margin and you discount by just 10 per cent. The salon owner will have to sell more than 50 percent to make the same profit.
• The salon owner risks only attracting clients for price by offering a discount. Its better to value add. For example book a style cut and receive a complimentary number of highlights. Book a style cut and blow dry this month and a friend can come with you for free.
The Front Window: Posters
The front window is a frontier of sales as it creates a first and the most important impression. It is advised to use the front window for current promotion campaigns and its messages. To do this, the salon owner needs to create the salon roster that has to be changed every six weeks. This time frame keeps the window fresh and interesting for people who regularly walk by. Imagine that this is way of `talking' to clients and prospective clients.
Building relationships with your client is vital.
This is the most important area of all. Best of all it costs absolutely nothing extra. The salon owner and hairdressers should talk to the clients. Thus, it is essential to create a benefits scheme that will be of benefit for all, a client, a salon owner and a hairdresser. It is also important to explain the hairdressers that they are working independently for themselves and therefore, their profit depends directly on their sales. Empowerment is always a great source for staff motivation that leads to increased sales. However, to get this right requires some effort and training.
Ruslan A Khisameev is a founder of GAI IAA Innovative Solutions Pty Ltd. He is also a Business Development and Marketing Coach who is specializing in Salons. He came to Australia in 2005 to complete his Master's Degree with specialization in Marketing and Business and from then he decided to stay in Australia for good. His passion for salons led him to complete Diploma in Salon Management as the result of which he started his Salon Coaching Business. Ruslan has 8 years of Marketing and Business experience as well as Diploma in Salon Management which makes him highly knowledgeable about the Salon business and Salon industry.
Ruslan does not believe in quick fix but in building a strong business performance and business model. There are many marketing strategies that can be applied to boost sales quickly, however, if the business system is not efficient - it won't be able to keep them in the long run. Ruslan is a member of Australian Spa Association and Australian Hair & Beauty Association.

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Losing Water Weight: The Know-How Tips to Use

It may seem awkward when the clothes that fit you just a few days prior won't fit you today and yet you know you haven't gained any significant weight - this is a sign of water weight which is basically fluids retained in pockets across your body. Some fats are also attributed to fluid retention since these fats usually cling on to fluid pockets and when people start losing weight they are actually losing water weight because the usual first groups of fats that the body gets rid of are those hugging fluid pockets.There are several ways to work on losing water weight and here is a short, concise list of the best tips to help you cut down the fluid fats.
Get rid of water by drinking water.
It may sound counter-intuitive to drink fluids to get rid of fluids but this is actually one of the key factors to making it work. The reason why body fats cling on to water and the reason why water sits itself in your body in the first place are usually because you do not hydrate enough and the body clings on to what little water it has. The goal is to get your system out of the survival area and get it back to taking in water, using it regularly and then flushing it out. Start hydrating regularly and drink clean water. If water alone does not seem all too attractive then squeeze in some lemon; nothing beats ice-cold water with a bit of lemon for taste. Drinking regularly also helps you feel full and this is great if you want to avoid overeating.
Say no to salt.
Salt is a major culprit when it comes to obesity. It does not have calories or anything else bad for you but it is a major factor in retaining body fluids and this promotes to pockets of water weight. To keep the water out of your system to need to help your body flush it out and this means reducing your salt intake. Typically the human body needs about 1200mg of salt with an extreme of up to 2400mg of salt per day. It is a good idea to start checking the salt content on the food you eat in your diet program.
Work on burst exercises.
Burst exercises are those that can be done in just a few minutes, presumably fifteen minutes total for all of them and yet achieve as many repetitions as you can while breathing regularly in between. Push-ups and crunches are the king exercises in this degree. There are different positions and alterations to push-ups and crunches if the normal types are bit too difficult to do or if you cannot repeat the exercise as much as you hoped to do.
Losing water weight is essential to a good start on a diet-workout program and to get you hydrated on a regular level. Water is essential and getting rid of the excess fluids that fills the pockets of fat in your body is one of the beginning phases of a good weight loss program.
Want a FREE guide on how you can effectively lose weight the easy way?
Visit now to get your FREE eBook "30 Simple and Effective Ways to Lose Weight". This free eBook will only be available for a limited time so I suggest you download your copy TODAY!
Don't let the fad diets fool you! If you're really serious about losing weight and you want to kick your weight loss problem for good, then I suggest you get the free eBook now at

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Prevent Free Radical Damage And More With The Xanthophyll Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is a xanthophyll and phytonutrient (plant based chemical compounds with health boosting properties) that is mainly found in orange and red coloured fish, fruits and vegetables. Early research indicates that this natural nutrient has a long list of benefits in humans. In this article I will be taking a deeper look at these benefits and providing you with a full overview of astaxanthin.1) DISCOVERY:
Astaxanthin was discovered by the British chemist Basil Weedon in 1970.
Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant that can protect your body's cells from free radicals (dangerous by-products that get released into your body's cells during oxygen related reactions).
Early studies indicate that this xanthophyll may also have a wide range of further health benefits in humans. More studies are needed before these benefits can be confirmed but those that are available suggest astaxanthin might be able to boost the reproductive system, prevent Alzheimer's disease (a mental disorder that causes memory problems, thought problems and speech problems), fight cancer (a health disorder where your body's cells start to grow in a rapid, uncontrollable way), protect against heart disease, prevent the common cold and the flu and reduce unnecessary inflammation. Additionally, it may be able to protect against cataracts (clouding on the lenses of the eyes), protect against glaucoma (a disease where your optic nerve gets damaged), protect against macular edema (a condition where fluid protein collects behind the macula of the eye), protect against kidney damage, lower high blood pressure and treat diabetes (a disease which causes your blood glucose to reach extremely high levels).
Astaxanthin is not classed as an essential nutrient so no official RDA has been established. However, numerous experts believe that consuming 4 milligrams (mg) of this xanthophyll daily will promote optimal health.
Some of the top food sources of astaxanthin include red and orange coloured fish such as crab, lobster, salmon and shrimp with farmed salmon containing 1.8mg of this nutrient per 100g and wild salmon containing 4mg of this nutrient per 100g. Red and orange coloured fruits and vegetables such as carrots and red peppers also contain good levels of this natural nutrient but the exact amounts they contain are not known.
Astaxanthin has shown a lot of promise when it comes to human health benefits. Whilst more evidence is needed before they are fully confirmed, you should definitely make this xanthophyll part of your diet. Red fish are a particularly good choice as they contain high levels of healthy omega 3 essential fatty acids so by consuming them you get the antioxidant protection of astaxanthin, the additional health benefits of omega 3s and the possibility of the provisional astaxanthin benefits discussed in this article.
Tom Parker owns Free Fitness Tips - an excellent source of diet tips and exercise tips. You can learn more about astaxanthin and the xanthophylls by visiting his website.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Get First Aid Training Faster Than Ever

With all the advancements in technology, we have gradually shifted towards increased dependency on outside sources. It comes as no surprise since the levels of automation have hit the roof. However, there are certain basic survival skills that will never fall under the category of being dispensable. Basic first aid skills are one of them. No matter how safe you think you are, life has its ways of throwing emergencies of varying natures. First aid skills come in handy when these emergencies are of the medical kind.

The best thing about picking up first aid skills these days is that it has become faster and easier than ever. This, again, can be attributed only the technology. The internet has made learning these skills so much easier. You can log on to any of these websites and register yourself with a nominal fee. These courses will teach you everything you need to know about first aid. You can expect the training session to be short and crisp without anything unnecessary. All the information you need to deal with an emergency is right there in a compact video or slide show. It will not take more than an hour of your time.

Traditional courses have proven useful for quite some time with tested results. Back in the day, people had much more time to spend on these activities. This would make it that much easier for trainers to help everyone with the process. However, these days, you can get the same levels of professional training online. In many cases, you may just come across better.

If you are serious about taking an online first aid training course, you may want to broaden your plans a bit and go for The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) training courses. These courses will help you understand the HIPAA inside out and hence reap the benefits of it. Though the act was passed in the US for the betterment of the citizens, not everyone uses all the benefits of it.

The best thing about taking these courses is that you are not the only benefactor. Anyone undergoing these medical emergencies can also benefit a great deal from your knowledge of first aid and how it can benefit from HIPAA knowledge. If you happen to witness an accident or emergency at a public place, you no longer need to be the silent bystander. Instead, you can help save a person's life.

And if you are thinking that taking these courses is a tedious affair, you need to reconsider. These courses are rapid and easy to grasp. Within a matter of 45 minutes to an hour you will be equipped with all the basic knowledge of first aid treatment. You will also get a certificate after finishing the test with these courses. This comes in handy in many professional scenarios as well.

You do not need to download or install these programs. The flash based programs can be used to garner all the information when it comes to first aid. First aid is the best way to ensure personal safety and also that of others.

For more information, please visit our first aid training website.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How To Be Taller In Five Easy Steps

So many people all around the globe want to know how to be taller. And these people are oftentimes faced with innumerable products and scams that promise to make them taller if they just take this pill or do this certain exercise. I want to show you that there are easier methods you can do. You can implement the following steps as soon as you have read them. They allow you to alter your appearance significantly, without wasting money on stuff that does not work. Now, let's go through this process step by step.

Step 1: Your Wardrobe

The whole process starts with your wardrobe. At the end of this article you will see how this all comes together. See, what you are wearing can immensely change your appearance, consequently making you look taller or shorter. Wearing pinstripes for example commonly has the effect of making you look taller because it creates a slimming effect on your appearance. Another thing you should do is wearing solid colors all over. Avoid wearing a shirt and pants of very distinct colors because it will just draw attention to your waistline.

Trust me, you'll love to play around with your outfits once you get the hang of this. The right pants for example can make your legs look longer than they actually are. Apply the advice I have just given you until you have found clothing that works well for you.

Step 2: Your Shoes

This is usually where people start first, but it's actually the second step in how to be taller. The reason for that is that wearing shoes that increase your height will blend so much better with your overall appearance if you are wearing the right outfit in the first place. After all, it makes sense that wearing shoes with higher heels or wearing height enhancing insoles will make you look taller. On a little side note, whenever you are wearing sneakers or other normal shoes, I would just add height enhancing insoles. The effect is amazing and nobody will be able to tell!

Anyways, here's one height increasing method with shoes that is often overlooked: Wearing bulkier shoes, such as tennis shoes for example. It's true! These shoes make your feet look bigger, consequently creating a better illusion of increased height.

Step 3: Your Hair

When it comes to hair, it's all about making your neck appear longer. The way to achieve this is through shorter hair. This way, the space between your shoulders and your head is clearly distinguished from the rest of your body. Thus, your neck seems longer. On the other hand, long hair has the opposite effect and ruins the illusion. It's going to make your neck appear shorter because it blurs the space between your head and your shoulders.

Step 4: Your Posture

A good posture does not physically increase your height. Nevertheless, it works great in making you look taller. If you have been keeping a bad posture until now, this little change can add a great deal of height to your appearance. Staying slumped in your chair makes you appear even shorter. Moreover, it is bad for your back. What you want to do is the following: Keep your back straight, your shoulders back and your head lifted high. It may require some practice until you can hold this posture all day long. But it's well worth doing so because you can appear much taller this way - and it's so much healthier for your back.

Final Step: Your Attitude

All of the preceding four steps build up to this very last step: your attitude. If you want to know how to be taller, this is going to be a key part for you. See, your clothing, shoes, hair and posture can all have a great effect on making you appear taller. But more importantly, when you realize that you really are appearing taller through those methods, it increases your self-esteem. Ultimately, you will believe yourself to be taller. This is the single biggest factor if you want to look taller. People automatically react to your attitude and if you have a strong and positive attitude, where you perceive yourself as grand and tall, people around you will think of you the same.

However, it's really hard to develop this attitude out of the blue. That's why the four preceding steps are not to be neglected or skipped. Take the steps as I have outlined them to you. You'll soon develop an attitude where you are happy with your appearance which makes you look and also feel better. Stop asking yourself how to be taller and start implementing some of the ideas from these five steps. You have nothing to lose!

Of course, there are many methods that can show you how to grow taller naturally. To discover more, continue reading on

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Gain or Lose Pounds Using Your Social Network

As the saying goes, "A man is known by the company he keeps". Friends and family are a crucial part of your life and they directly influence the choices you make in life. As portrayed in the movie, "Social Network", this phenomenon helped, Mark Zuckerberg birth Facebook -- paving the way for other similar online platforms. The same applies when it comes to the size of your body and your physical appearance. Research in many prestigious institutions has shown that our friends, family and social network have a direct influence on whether we lose or gain weight.
Friends and their hobbies: Friends directly influence the activities you engage in. You are most likely to adopt their hobbies. You know how groups of friends come together for poker or movie nights? Well, if you're looking to make a difference in your physical well being, how great would it be if your group of friends are much more active. Perhaps a new sports activity could keep everyone's blood pumping. There are many options, like: bowling, paintball or a brisk, scenic walk. Try to surround yourself with people that inspire you. And don't forget that YOU can inspire others too.
Birds of a feather flock together: Studies have proven that people who have overweight members in their circle are most likely to become overweight or already are. This is because people find comfort in company, if
you see that your best friend has gained 50lb then there is a strong probability you will also gain weight. And an excuse might be, "my friend has gained 50lbs, so what if I gain 20". This is how relativity tends to work within the social network. It works both ways, if your closest buds are fit or are losing pounds, then you will most definitely follow suit. You'll possibly join the same gym or share diet plans with each other.
Friends keep an eye on each other: The physical presence of a friend is not necessary to influence your weight gain or loss. Even if a friend lives far away from you, they can still influence your size. Connections are often made by email, phone or social media. When browsing on Facebook, seeing a friend looking much thinner in a profile photo, can definitely inspire you to action. By phone and email, I personally have supported a family member 3000 miles away, shed 30lbs. In turn, several of her Facebook friends, noticed a difference in her new photographs and have contacted her to find out what they might do to create the same results in their life.
Man is a social creature. Naturally, we humans tend to follow each other seeking social acceptance. The main reason why some of the weight loss programs are very successful is because they create interactive social environments for people. Remember how much friends matter. They influence your physical condition as dominantly as junk food, overeating or genetics. My question for you is: Are your friends leading you to FAB or FLAB?
Wendy Ida, 59 year young, Fitness Coach & Best-Selling Author of: Take Back Your Life! My No Non Sense Approach to Health, Fitness & Looking Good Naked!
No matter what your age, it's not too late to take charge. Wendy Ida provides the motivation and education to make health and fitness a priority - and enables you to put this life-changing decision into practice.
Tap into Wendy's wealth of knowledge and inspiration through her Personal Fitness Training, Media Events, Health Seminars, Guest Speaking and Topical Articles at

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

5 Reasons Why You Should Take A Pediatric First Aid Course

If you work with young children or even if you have children of your own, it is important to take a pediatric first aid program. There are many benefits of enrolling in this first aid course especially for teachers, parents and other professionals who work with children. There is much to be learnt in these courses on how to handle child related emergencies.
First aid skills are taught by professionals quickly and they last a lifetime. If you work in a paediatric ward, you will necessarily be required to do the first aid program that focuses on infants and babies.
Here are 5 reasons why you should do the pediatric first aid course -
1. You can save lives in critical situations with a few simple techniques you will learn at the paediatric first aid program.
2. Basic first aid training will teach you how to deal with situations such as sprains and knocks and broken bones. You will however have to do a paediatric first aid program to deal effectively with infant choking and other emergency situations.
3. The first few seconds after an accident or fall can make a huge different, a difference between life and death. So, irrespective of where you live and accessibility to emergency facilities, it is a good idea knowing how to deal with child or infant related trauma.
4. Paediatric first aid program will teach you how to administer the right procedure in case of child choking. Taking immediate and right action could save the life of the infant or child.
5. You never know when emergencies will arise especially if you work with children or have small children of your own. It is therefore imperative to attend a paediatric first aid course and learn how to handle critical situations.
Many hesitate to go for this course thinking that they are too long drawn and tedious. This is not however true. Paediatric first aid courses are short and convenient and can be attended after work or even between breaks. You need not take days off to acquire the necessary skills paediatric first aid programs have to offer. Besides, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA recommends you to be prepared at all times to deal with small children related injuries and illnesses.
First aid courses offered offline or online are very affordable. So, no matter what your economic status is, it is not really difficult doing this course. The money spent on learning life saving skills is definitely worth it. You will learn important and vital techniques that will help save young lives.
Even if you have already done a basic first aid course, it is time to consider the paediatric course too especially if you work with small children on a daily basis as a parent, teacher or any other professional.
Course content covered in this course deals with emergencies and accidents involving young children such as treatment of unconscious casualty, action planning, first aid kit, choking, resuscitation, bleeding, seizures, head injuries, diabetic and asthma emergencies, bites, poisoning, stings, strains, sprains, fractures, burns, foreign objects and childhood conditions such as meningitis, measles and croup.
For more information, please visit our first aid courses website.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Fat and happy

I just want to say out loud how much I love fat people who are happy, fat people who are good with their girth, big and proud, fat and happy. I love fat people who embrace their fatness like a warm blanket, feeling snug and wonderful while all the skinny folks scurry around freezing their asses off exercising. We carry this belief that fat people can't really be happy, because they're fat. They must be "crying on the inside" or "hiding" under the blubber. I think we're wrong, in a big fat way.A while ago I was triaging a corpulent guy in the ER. When I asked him what happened, he smiled, shrugged, and said,
"Fat guy fell down."
"Dude," I said, "Can't you make up something better than 'fat guy fell down'?"
"Ok," he was humoring me, "Fat guy fell down chasing bear for McWhopper."
I've been afraid of being fat all my life, and here comes this guy just loving his big ole self. My oldest son Billy has been an amazing role model for love-of-large-self. After he got out of the Marine Corps he announced he was "done exercising until the age of 30" and damned if the kid didn't just stop doing everything and get his girth on again. Billy was "big boned" in his early twenties when I took all three boys on an all-inclusive resort trip to Jamaica. The first night there, on the beach filled with beautiful people, the emcee asked some of the men in the audience to "come up here and do something to make the women scream!" Billy joyfully strode up to the stage, lifted up his Hawaiian shirt and made his belly fat undulate like a tsunami. The women screamed, all right.
How can you not love that?
I'm a little tired of all this talk about exercise and nutrition, and I'm mostly sick of myself and my own obsession with strength and exercise and "looking good." At the end of his life, Jerry Garcia is purported to have said something like, "If I had known how bad I was gonna feel, I wouldn't have done all those drugs." I'm starting to feel the same way about exercise, as I wake up every morning creaking like the Tin Man when Dorothy stumbles on his rusty frame in the forest.
"Oil me!" my joints yell as the alarm goes off.
What if all this hooey about exercise is just boloney? I've been a runner for 35 years, an athlete, and a big mouth proponent of exercise but I think I've been duped and maybe - I'm just saying - maybe I should have been on the dang couch smoking joints rather than on the mountain hurting them. I had a great friend, a crotchety Italian lawyer guy who smoked cigarettes, drank excessively, and ate whatever he wanted. He believed you were born "with a pre-determined number of heartbeats" and if you exercised, you used them up too fast. When any one of his organs started to fail, it was his plan to pick out a "healthy young guy in India," give him "lots of money and a year to live" and then just harvest what he needed.
Outrageous and morally bankrupt, but it sort of catches your attention, doesn't it?
Why do I fear fatness? Why can't I embrace the idea like Santa Claus, Chris Farley, and Billy? Are fat and happy people really just crying on the inside? I don't think so. I think plenty of them are enjoying the hell out of life, eating whatever they want and not freaking exercising at all. That sounds delightful and maybe if I had led a nice sedentary life I wouldn't wake up feeling like I've been mugged. Like Jerry Garcia, I just plunged full speed ahead in my youth, not with drugs but with exercise and adventure - running thousands of miles, biking, hiking, skiing, going to the gym. The list of my folly is endless. And now I'm 55 and paying the proverbial Exercise Piper, especially since I took up ice hockey, for the love of God. You know how we accuse men of being stupid by thinking with their "little head?" Well, I don't have a "little head" but I apparently have a "young head" that's just as delusional as any penis. My "young head" thought being an ice hockey goalie at my age would be fun!
Getting old is a dirty, hairy secret. Nobody talks about it. So when I started feeling like the Tin Man I went into work and asked my co-workers - most of them much younger than me - why I hurt all the time they looked at me like they were doing intake on a mental patient.
"Because you're....OLD?" Marianne said rather loudly, like you do when talking to an old person.
Oh no! I'm getting old!
Aging is really awkward. Weird stuff really does start to happen, like after 40 when an alien inhabits your midsection and after 50 as hair grows in odd places. When you're a young ass whipper-snapper all of this is hilarious. Then you actually get there and it's just stunning. I'm just starting to get it.
When I met Cowboy Bob eight years ago on a pack trip, I came upon him one day working diligently to get a piece of leather saddle strap through a grommet (that's a hole, folks). I voiced my skepticism and he looked up, spit out his tobacco, and did that gnarly bad boy smile thing:
"Ain't nothing can't be done with a little patience and lubrication," he said.
While that sounded pretty sexy now it just seems practical and maybe Bob wasn't talking about sex at all, but about getting old - patience and lubrication is what I need right now. I'm starting to use oil, just like the Tin Man, to lube up my joints, help me breathe better at night - because yes, now I snore for the love of God - and even grease my intestines. I have the lubrication, I just now need the patience.
I've been running for 35 years and it's just time to stop. Enough already with the abs. I used to love it when people told me I was "ripped" and slobbered about how good I looked and what great legs I had. Vanity. Insanity. Inanity. So I looked good and wasn't fat. Do you have any idea how freaking hard it was to keep my body in that kind of shape? For what? A few compliments? Although it really does feel great to work the body hard, I think in all honesty I was motivated by fear and desire, those buggers that bring us suffering at every level. I cared that I looked good because I was afraid of being alone - fat and alone I guess, which at now often sounds like the very definition of bliss. Fat and alone. Ahhh.
I think I am ready to almost let it go to hell in a handbasket, with a burger. Of course I'll still do stuff I love outside, like skiing and biking, but it's going to be about loving the outdoors and lighting up my insides, not my quads. I'll do more yoga and enjoy it, and probably snore during shavasana. But no more War Against the Belly - clearly middle age has won and I don't want to grow old being one of those people who complain about pain all the time.
Whoever started this line that "50 is the new 30" ought to be tarred and feathered. 50 is freaking 50. That's all. Nothing less. The body hurts after half a century mucking around and there is no going back. My teacher at Upaya, Roshi Joan Halifax, is nearly 70 and she's gorgeous! No make up (often no hair), and a robust body that still treks the Himalayas, Roshi Joan is embracing aging because she's getting wiser. She glows from the inside out and I'm pretty sure she doesn't use a lot of fancy skin products, being a Zen priest and all. I think she's totally tapped into that deep well of inner beauty we all have, the one I've been running away from for 35 years. Roshi Joan radiates love and exuberance and I don't think she gives a rat's ass about her abs.
That's my model for aging, not some 60 year old trying to look like a 40 year old. For God's sake: 50 is 50, 60 is 60 and someday dead is just dead. If my girth grows consummate with wisdom and happiness, well then bring it on. Maybe fat and happy people are way evolved, and know something the rest of us run from in terror. Maybe they know that the body is just a bag o' bones, a temporary earthsuit that houses a magnificent spirit; not some temple to be worshipped and revered but just a thang - something to walk around in while we laugh and love and feel joy. So you can hurt this body doing wild stunts of athletic extremism, or just be the fat guy who fell down. On the mend, I wonder who's happier?
Phyllis Coletta is a "recovering" lawyer, former high school teacher, an EMT, cowgirl, writer, and a spiritual seeker since the age of 6 (maybe earlier, who knows). Currently, her life vision is to simply provide encouragement and coaching to those on the spiritual path. Free. No agenda. Read more of her musings or contact her through Happy Trails.

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