This skin problem is infectious and can easily transfer to other individuals as well as animals. It can also be picked up from handling objects that are infected or from the soil.
The name ringworm comes from the way it shows up on the individual's skin. There is a red round formation in the affected location. Ringworm can show up practically anywhere on the sufferer's body.
There are different opinions exactly how long this fungal infection is contagious. However, many professionals agree that it is not contagious any longer when the circles are smooth and they stop growing.
Ringworm is typically very itchy and can recur rather quickly. That is why ringworm treatment should be continued until the spots are entirely faded away.
It is necessary to note that the ringworm location shouldn't be scratched since it could spread to other parts of the body. Washing your hands often will assist to keep the fungus from spreading on the body as well as to others.
There are home treatments that can help with this health condition. One remedy is by making use of tea tree oil. By putting some tea tree oil on the ringworm 3 times a day, you'll find effective relief. Some state it ought to be used about a week after the ringworm is gone to guarantee that it will not return.
Cider vinegar can also be utilized as a home treatment for ringworm. Just like with tea tree oil, apply cider vinegar 3 times every day to the spots.
One possibility is also applying iodine to the location that is infected with the fungus. Countless sufferer's have found great relief with this substance.
One more home treatment is making use of ginger tea. Simmer 2 ounces of fresh ginger root in 8 ounces of water for about twenty minutes. Drink ginger root about 3 times a day. In addition, you can apply a compress of ginger tea and water, making use of cotton as the applicator. Apply ginger tea to the ringworm areas for about 5 minutes, three times a day.
Try drinking some lemongrass tea 3 times a day. Use the used tea bags for the ringworm areas.
Licorice root can also be incredibly useful with ringworm infection. Boil six teaspoons of powdered licorice root in a cup of water for about twenty minutes. Sieve the solid material and apply the substance to the infected area three times daily.
Home treatments for ringworm are cost-effective ways in curing ringworm and can also give peace of mind to those living with this health condition.
Often natural ringworm treatment options are the best ones when it comes to getting rid of the problem. Learn more about natural remedies for ringworm by visiting at now.
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