Sunday, February 19, 2012

Gain or Lose Pounds Using Your Social Network

As the saying goes, "A man is known by the company he keeps". Friends and family are a crucial part of your life and they directly influence the choices you make in life. As portrayed in the movie, "Social Network", this phenomenon helped, Mark Zuckerberg birth Facebook -- paving the way for other similar online platforms. The same applies when it comes to the size of your body and your physical appearance. Research in many prestigious institutions has shown that our friends, family and social network have a direct influence on whether we lose or gain weight.
Friends and their hobbies: Friends directly influence the activities you engage in. You are most likely to adopt their hobbies. You know how groups of friends come together for poker or movie nights? Well, if you're looking to make a difference in your physical well being, how great would it be if your group of friends are much more active. Perhaps a new sports activity could keep everyone's blood pumping. There are many options, like: bowling, paintball or a brisk, scenic walk. Try to surround yourself with people that inspire you. And don't forget that YOU can inspire others too.
Birds of a feather flock together: Studies have proven that people who have overweight members in their circle are most likely to become overweight or already are. This is because people find comfort in company, if
you see that your best friend has gained 50lb then there is a strong probability you will also gain weight. And an excuse might be, "my friend has gained 50lbs, so what if I gain 20". This is how relativity tends to work within the social network. It works both ways, if your closest buds are fit or are losing pounds, then you will most definitely follow suit. You'll possibly join the same gym or share diet plans with each other.
Friends keep an eye on each other: The physical presence of a friend is not necessary to influence your weight gain or loss. Even if a friend lives far away from you, they can still influence your size. Connections are often made by email, phone or social media. When browsing on Facebook, seeing a friend looking much thinner in a profile photo, can definitely inspire you to action. By phone and email, I personally have supported a family member 3000 miles away, shed 30lbs. In turn, several of her Facebook friends, noticed a difference in her new photographs and have contacted her to find out what they might do to create the same results in their life.
Man is a social creature. Naturally, we humans tend to follow each other seeking social acceptance. The main reason why some of the weight loss programs are very successful is because they create interactive social environments for people. Remember how much friends matter. They influence your physical condition as dominantly as junk food, overeating or genetics. My question for you is: Are your friends leading you to FAB or FLAB?
Wendy Ida, 59 year young, Fitness Coach & Best-Selling Author of: Take Back Your Life! My No Non Sense Approach to Health, Fitness & Looking Good Naked!
No matter what your age, it's not too late to take charge. Wendy Ida provides the motivation and education to make health and fitness a priority - and enables you to put this life-changing decision into practice.
Tap into Wendy's wealth of knowledge and inspiration through her Personal Fitness Training, Media Events, Health Seminars, Guest Speaking and Topical Articles at

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