Friday, February 24, 2012

Losing Water Weight: The Know-How Tips to Use

It may seem awkward when the clothes that fit you just a few days prior won't fit you today and yet you know you haven't gained any significant weight - this is a sign of water weight which is basically fluids retained in pockets across your body. Some fats are also attributed to fluid retention since these fats usually cling on to fluid pockets and when people start losing weight they are actually losing water weight because the usual first groups of fats that the body gets rid of are those hugging fluid pockets.There are several ways to work on losing water weight and here is a short, concise list of the best tips to help you cut down the fluid fats.
Get rid of water by drinking water.
It may sound counter-intuitive to drink fluids to get rid of fluids but this is actually one of the key factors to making it work. The reason why body fats cling on to water and the reason why water sits itself in your body in the first place are usually because you do not hydrate enough and the body clings on to what little water it has. The goal is to get your system out of the survival area and get it back to taking in water, using it regularly and then flushing it out. Start hydrating regularly and drink clean water. If water alone does not seem all too attractive then squeeze in some lemon; nothing beats ice-cold water with a bit of lemon for taste. Drinking regularly also helps you feel full and this is great if you want to avoid overeating.
Say no to salt.
Salt is a major culprit when it comes to obesity. It does not have calories or anything else bad for you but it is a major factor in retaining body fluids and this promotes to pockets of water weight. To keep the water out of your system to need to help your body flush it out and this means reducing your salt intake. Typically the human body needs about 1200mg of salt with an extreme of up to 2400mg of salt per day. It is a good idea to start checking the salt content on the food you eat in your diet program.
Work on burst exercises.
Burst exercises are those that can be done in just a few minutes, presumably fifteen minutes total for all of them and yet achieve as many repetitions as you can while breathing regularly in between. Push-ups and crunches are the king exercises in this degree. There are different positions and alterations to push-ups and crunches if the normal types are bit too difficult to do or if you cannot repeat the exercise as much as you hoped to do.
Losing water weight is essential to a good start on a diet-workout program and to get you hydrated on a regular level. Water is essential and getting rid of the excess fluids that fills the pockets of fat in your body is one of the beginning phases of a good weight loss program.
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