For a better chance of achieving your fitness and nutritional goals follow my best new year resolutions tips...
5 of the Best New Year Resolutions Tips
Tip # 1:
You must identify the reason you want to change. If you embark on a new fitness regime or healthy eating plan without a reason, then you will fail. How do I know you will fail? Because you don't know why you are trying to make a change. Identifying your reason for change will allow you set your goals.
Tip # 2:
Make you resolution quantifiable. Don't make a resolution such as 'I am going to lose weight', your resolution should be to lose a certain amount of weight. Making your resolution quantifiable will enable you to set your goals and identify your finish line, giving you something to strive for.
Tip # 3:
Don't make too many resolutions and make sure the ones you do make are something you really want to achieve. By this I mean don't make a resolution based on the suggestion of a partner or friend.
Tip # 4:
Once you have thought of your resolutions, document them and record your progress. Write down your resolutions and put them somewhere you will see several times a day. Some ideal places are on the fridge at home, on a wall in your bedroom, in your purse or wallet, even save them in your phone or computer. It doesn't matter where you put them, you just want to reinforce them to yourself several times a day. In addition keep a track of any progress you have made in a diary or notebook.
Tip # 5:
Give your resolution a deadline. A resolution without a deadline is a dream. If your resolution does not have an end date then it is not measurable. When giving your resolution a deadline, be sure to break your main resolution into smaller milestones with a deadline of their own. For example, if you are trying to lose 10kg, break it down into 10 mini milestones ie: 1kg within a certain time frame.
Achieving your new year resolutions can be difficult, but not impossible. Like everything in life, you will need to commit to it, work hard and attack it with intensity and consistency. Even the best new years resolution tips won't help you if you are not committed to achieving your goals.
Millions of people around the world have spent their hard earned money on fitness fads and gadgets only to be disappointed when they don't achieve the body of their dreams. Remember there are no quick fixes when it comes to your health. Make this year the year you overhaul your lifestyle by committing to getting active and eating better.
If you have any questions or want any more help with achieving your new year resolution, simply drop a comment below or message me through the contact me section.
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