Vitamin d affects 2000 our 30000 genes and a deficiency has been with many health problems including linked:
• Autoimmune disease.
• Cancer.
• Infections.
• Obesity.
• Eczema/psoriasis.
• Infertility.
• Periodontal disease.
• Depression.
Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and Chrohns have been disease, almost not existence of the population living near the Equator due to their increased exposure to the Sun.
People, the higher exposure to the Sun were also found to have lower incidence of breast cancer, colon and prostate cancer, and surprising melanoma.
It has been estimated that up to 80% of Australians have some vitamin D deficiency. You're probably like this wondering in such a Sun sun loving country can be soaked,. It is true that sunlight is by far our best source of vitamin D, but what is less known is that vitamin D is produced only when our skin is exposed to UVB rays. UVB rays are there only between 10 and 14 (11 and 15 during the summer season), we are prompted the times to protect us from the Sun. Sunscreen blocks UVB rays (a cream SPF15 sunscreen vitamin D production of 99.9% reduced). Glass blocks all UVB rays.
So, how much sun you need to produce enough vitamin D? This depends on factors such as age, your skin type and where you live. Vitamin D synthesis can be used for those, the older than 60 and under the age of 20 until to 4 times as long; People with darker skin and which go further South lives to have to live more sunlight than someone with white skin, or those who in North Australia. As a rule of thumb you should expose at least 40% of the skin in the Sun in the middle of the day (if your shadow is longer than you are great, you do not high levels of vitamin d) before you begin, Rosa and no longer to make, you want never to burn. This can be as little as a few minutes for a fair skin person and much more for darker skin be person.
Vitamin D deficiency is to correct one of the most widely used nutrient deficiencies in Australia but also the easiest way. Safe and sensible sun exposure is one of the most important things, you can for your health and your protection from a range of diseases to increase. Elderly, dark skinned people, and those who cover their bodies for religious reasons are at special risk of vitamin D deficiency and should their vitamin D levels checked and have monitored by a competent physician.
Matt Douglas BHSc is a Sydney Naturopath and nutritionist.
He has a strong interest in food as medicine and in his practice practices and herbal medicine combines modern nutritional science with the wisdom of traditional food. Matt is aware of the profound impact that not only our food can have choices of food buying decisions when you create a healthier and more sustainable world on our physical health, but also makes passionate.
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