Monday, February 27, 2012

Check your breast health

Breast cancer has emerged as one of the leading causes of cancer death in women in the world, especially in economically developing countries. It is also the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the world. Early detection of cancer is the Foundation for the treatment of breast cancer and survive. The fact that the early stages of breast cancer, however, complicated often asymptomatic screening for breast cancer. It is therefore important that women recognize the importance of regular screening tests, such as mammography to detect the presence of cancer that is still at a very early stage.
Here are some of the recommendations, the American Cancer Society, which help in the early diagnosis of breast cancer in women;
· Women in the 20s and older should begin with its BSE (self breast exam). The doctor should be reported to detect changes in their breasts while BSE. To know the proper technique for BSE, you can learn the BSE technique by a professional health.
· Women in the 20s and older should a CBE (clinical breast exam) every three years receive.
· Women aged 40 and older should be for a mammogram once a year, despite the fact the they otherwise in perfect health
Symptoms of breast cancer
In many cases, the early detection of cancer is not possible and you get only the disease after the manifestation of the signs and symptoms in the body to know. Some of these symptoms can be:
You clumps in the breast or armpit ·
Swollen and painful breast cancer
· Nipple discharge
· Irritation of the skin of the breast
· Pain or irritation in the nipple
Change in size and shape of the breast ·
It is essential that every woman, the changes in their breasts, mentioned including the signs and symptoms, recognizes a member who must request a medical examination immediately to health care professionals.
With advances in medical science, there are several treatments for breast cancer. The type of treatment for patients generally followed depends on the severity of the cancer and the extent that it has spread to the human body. Some of the common treatments include:
· Chemotherapy-it includes the use of certain drugs to kill cancer cells. They be given to patients in the form of pills or through intravenous tube.
· Surgery - this involves the surgical removal of tissue cancer
· Radiation therapy of high energy waves are part of the body aligned where the cancer cells to kill the cancer cells are
· Hormonal treatment of this therapy blocked the hormones in the body that grow by the cancer cells are needed
The type of treatment the patient must, taking into account the nature and the cancer determines the members of a health professional. Doctors tell their patients that use costs, and side effects of each type of treatment. Taking into account all factors, the patient under treatment options that are available can choose to help her and also decide where you the treatment of get. Many patients opt for cancer breast surgery in foreign locales, such as for example cancer breast surgery in Turkey, to take the cost benefits associated with it in order.
About the author
Rashmi Kalia has to write extensively about topics relating to health and fitness. More information and resources on treatment of cancer in Turkey can be found at

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