An intense desire or craving for self-gratification
We sometimes want things that are not good for us. We see something very appealing, a feast for the eyes, and we long for it. But in the end it will cause more harm than good. The big juicy cheeseburgers and the ice cream get our attention. But you'd be better off leaving it alone. All that glitters isn't gold.
The over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink and intoxicants to the point of waste
When we do indulge in the "guilty pleasures" - don't overdo it. Don't make it a habit. Don't eat red meat or cookies every single day. Show some self-control. Moderation is the key to success. Unless your doctors advise you against it, you can eat almost anything, if you practice moderation. You don't have to eat the whole cake. You don't need that 5th slice of pizza or that second plate at the buffet.
A disinclination to work; laziness, apathy
Come on now, we all know that we have to exercise. There's no way around it. There's no magic pill you can take that will eliminate the necessary work to maintain good health. If any pill makes that claim, (and I'm sure there are some) stay away from it because it is a scam!
You must exercise and eat right and eliminate as many of the harmful things from your body that you can. This doesn't mean you have to be a vegetarian or a yoga instructor or run a marathon. Start small. Take a walk, a short jog, eat more fruits and vegetables, and stop smoking. You must take a proactive approach with your health. Sitting on your butt, being a couch potato and eating junk is not the answer.
Spite and resentment at seeing the success of another
Don't be angry because your best friend, who has 4 kids, stays so fit. Or that you look worse than your next door neighbor who is actually 15 years older than you. Unless you use it as a motivator, envy is useless and dangerous. If you want something that someone else has, then go for it. People aren't healthy by accident. "good genes" and heredity only go so far. You too can be just as beautiful and slim and fit as the person you're envious of. It won't be easy. But most things worth having rarely are.
Intense anger or belligerence caused by a real or supposed wrong
One of Newton's laws of motion is "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." So imagine when a person does harmful things to one's body by smoking, drinking, eating poorly and not exercising. The result will be WRATH from your own body, in the forms of heart attacks, strokes, obesity, cancer, diabetes, etc.
Years and years of neglect and abusing your body has come back to haunt you. And now it's time for payback. And the sad thing is that you are only hurting yourself. So do everything you can to avoid this. Treat your body right and your body will treat you well
Lack of knowledge, unaware
They say, "What you don't know won't hurt you". In this situation that is absolutely false. In this case, ignorance could get you killed. You want to know as much about your body as you can. We can't claim "ignorance" on many things. But sometimes we avoid what we should be doing and choose to do what we should not. We all know smoking is terrible. The surgeon general warned us about the hazards decades ago and now it's common knowledge. Smoking remains as the single most preventable cause of death in America. 1 out of 5 American deaths can be attributed in some way to smoking,
We know that eating too much salt, fat and sugar is bad for our bodies. This excessive intake can lead to heart attack, diabetes, obesity, etc. 1 out of every 5 deaths is from a heart attack. Coronary heart disease is listed as the leading cause of death in America. Approximately 1,200,000 new and recurring heart attacks occur each year, with 38% of those not surviving the attack. Stroke is the third leading cause of death.
Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death of Americans. Approximately 1 in 3 Americans will develop a form of diabetes within their lifetime.. 90 to 95% of diagnosed cases of diabetes are Type II, a type of diabetes that usually strikes people who may be overweight and inactive. So we need to know enough and care enough about ourselves to make the right decisions and live healthier. Remember that knowledge is power.
The name of the emotion that refers to a strong sense of self-respect, to the point that you feel superior to others. This sin is very dangerous. Many people fool themselves into thinking that no harm could possibly come to them. Some believe they are indestructible. Then reality hits them and they are shocked. Illnesses and diseases can affect anyone at any time, even healthy people.
N. Curtis has written dozens of health articles and is the author of the Amazingly Informative and Extremely Entertaining Free Special Health Report "It's Your Body, You Can Die If You Want To!" Check it out now at
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