Before beginning any running program you shoulder undergo a health check by a legally qualified medical practitioner. Once you're clear to run, the next step is to get the right equipment - running shoes. Running in the wrong shoes or in poor quality shoes is likely to result in an injury eventually. Your body is priceless, so investing in a good pair of running shoes is worth every cent. It is a good idea to visit a running shoe specialist that can find the right type of shoes for your foot and running style.
If you're new to running, keep the distance short to begin with and add distance to your runs incrementally. To help you achieve your overall goal, set smaller goals along the way. You will be encourage and have a sense of accomplishment as you reach each one. An easy way to get discouraged is to go for a run that is beyond your ability and returning home with your tail between your legs. If you run the same loop day after day boredom will eventually set it. Vary your course, speed and distance regularly. A good idea is to have a set course that you run once a month or so to test your progression but other than that keep it interesting.
Short breaks are essential for your body to recover and over training can lead to reduced training performance. However taking long breaks will result in much of the physiological changes, like your aerobic performance, being reduced. Obviously if you're injured you will need to fully recover but if you healthy keep the breaks short, perhaps no more than a week or two but this will vary person to person.
All your hard work needs to be matched by proper nutrition or your performance and your ability to progress as a runner will be affected. Everyone's requirements are different so you may want to consult a qualified dietician. Getting the right balance of protein, carbs and fats is important but it's not simply all about numbers and percentages. You will need to eat a good amount of fresh vegetables and fruit to keep your body healthy. Some runners like to include fresh homemade fruit and vegetable juice to assist with providing the body with vitamins and minerals.
So set goals, get a health check, get fitted for good running shoes, start with small distances, vary your program, take short breaks and eat healthy. All these step will help cement running as part of your life.
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